Mid Life Crisis?

2015-11-26 2:25 am
Hello I am a 42 year old professional who works in finance in NYC, I honestly hate my job and I always loved home decoration.

I am very unhappy with my current job, i am very creative I love colors, textures, make everything beautiful around me. What do you think I should do? I am very confuse, i chose the wrong career :(

I would like to be an interior designer but i dont feel like going back to the University for another 4 years

*sight *

回答 (2)

2015-11-26 2:51 pm
You may not need another four years if you already have a degree in another subject, then the core courses will have been satisfied. If interior design is your passion, can you take the courses part time while working your current job?
2015-11-26 12:25 pm
I always liked the idea of flipping houses which is kind of close to interior designing...

There's a woman that's in community college she's at least 40...

If you like it... might as well... houses are pretty cool.
2015-11-26 4:11 am
Determine how poor u want to struggle survive live to start.
U got libraries where you live?
Keep ur job and GET educated at libraries. For FREE not wasting 100000s$ in college.
Uninformed uneducated people jump ship and drown because of it.
Informed educated adults figure out how poor they can afford to live while getting education.
Here libraries can get u educated about how to actually become interior design with out getting burned badly by colleges myths hypes lies scams.
KEEP ur job..
Get real world info about how to get educated locally in the industry PART time.
Learn how to become self-employed locally in the industry.
Right now u clueless about the process.
Start in local libraries for actual info on the subject.
參考: Employer of uninformed students

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:26:39
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