is my mom abusive? (sorry its long)?

2015-11-25 9:55 pm
my mom is emotionally abusive. shes always said little petty things about me like how skinny i was and how she wished she never had kids but i quickly got over it.she always threatens me and goes long periods of time ignoring me for no reason.a few hours ago me, my brother and my mom went to the dentist. when my brother came out i thought we were leaving and got up to go to the door but mt brother laughed and sat down in my spot. i asked him to get up and he didnt. after a few more minuets of making him get up, i grabbed his neck attempting to choke him while he punched me. my mom got mad and started glaring at me. when my brother went to the back to get more work done, i sat down and my mom started telling me how stupid i was and that i shouldve stayed at home. when we left to go to the car, i tried to get into the front seat but my brother pushed me out of the way. we started pushing each other to get into the front seat and he pushed me into the car mirror and i started screaming. my mom got mad (again) and told me to get in the back. i got irritated and kicked my brother in the back and got into the car. when we were in the car my mom started screaming at me about how ungratful i was and threw an umbrella at me. when we got home she pushed me into a wall and told me that if i kicked another person, she would kill me. i didnt take her seriously because she always threatens me like that. this isnt the first time this has happend. im 14 and my brother is 17.

回答 (2)

2015-11-26 8:21 am
Cut out all the 17th century dancing!
2015-11-25 10:37 pm
I would have died of embarrassment if my children were acting like you and your brother in public. It sounds to me like neither you or your brother nor your mother have been taught how to act like civilized humans. Your lucky I am not your mother. Your back porch would have been painted red.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:25:42
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