whats the pay of a mortgage adviser like per month?

2015-11-25 11:41 am

回答 (5)

2015-11-25 1:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you get paid mostly commission based on how many mortgages you sell
2015-11-25 2:57 pm
Its a commission based position, you could make nothing.
2015-12-22 9:08 am
I would like to say thank you to Destiny kings Loan finance for all the things they have helped me with. I have a large family, and every time we have had a crisis Destiny kings Loan finance has helped us out. I thank God for the help they have provided to me and my family,email them today at {[email protected]

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2015-11-25 3:48 pm
go to www.salary.com and you can see
2015-11-25 2:52 pm
A mortgage loan officer is paid a commission based on the agreement between the mortgage loan officer and the mortgage broker.

Based on how many mortgage loans you do and the amount of the mortgage loan would be the determining factor in your earning ability.

It would be difficult to determine how much each mortgage loan officer would earn per month.

Some would have a great marketing plan and a referral system where they would do many mortgage loans per month. This would be the top echelon of your mortgage loan officer.

You then have the mortgage loan officers that do the minimum and would just be earning enough to pay the monthly debts of the mortgage loan officer.

You would also have to take in the percentage of each mortgage loan closed as to how much of this percentage the mortgage loan officer is getting.

This question would be difficult to answer, there are too many variables.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.


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