My husband really hurt my feelings. Last Friday I fell coming down the stairs off work outside. I stepped on a rock, sprang, twisted my foot?

2015-11-25 1:24 am
My job sent me to the doctor. I sprang & twisted my foot. The doctor had me on crutches, pain pills, therapy, light weight work. Sunday was my husband & I anniversary 1 year. everything was okay. We had a okay time evening together. I had to go back to work. I work as school bus monitor. My husband took off work for a week. I have been hoping around mostly on my foot except he's been cooking. I woke him up today to help me go down the stairs & outside. As it is icy out & stairs are hard with crutches. My husband complaints the whole time. Then said hurry up I want to go back to sleep. My mom was driving me to work & was running late he then stated it should be her responsibility to help me. I told him he's my husband & I live with him. I asked him to stop complaining. It hurt my feelings. I couldn't believe we been married a year & he's acting like this. He didn't want to get up to help me. Saying he took time off work for himself. I explained myself at dinner & he stopped eating & left the table. I'm hoping he doesn't need me some day. Please someone help was I wrong. I

回答 (8)

2015-11-25 1:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
no you were not wrong he is being very unfair about this whole issue.

I one time asked my boyfriend to retrieve my shoe for me as it came off in the driveway He refused I had to very nicely tell him that if I were to step out on the rocks I would ruin my stockings and have to take time to go back inside to change He did not I did and he was mad me for being late.
Men some times just need to be spoken to as if they were 3-5 instead of grown up. I am sorry he is not getting it that you really need help.
2015-11-26 12:47 am
your husband sounds like a selfish man, who doesnt truly love you. and THAT's scary! i feel badly for you.
2015-11-25 11:29 am
I would have to agree he is being rather selfish and insensitive. If that happened to a loved one I would be more than happy to nurse them back to good health. His attitude really stinks it would seem.

He is your Husband, he should be comforting you and caring for you, there's really no excuse for the way he is acting.

Hope it all works out, and hope the ankle is feeling better soon.
2015-11-25 3:28 am
He is in the wrong ;; not you

What a selfish and heartless man

Have a serious talk with him and if he still tough on you

49 yrs of marriage

ask him if a divorce would be a good answer to his cruelty
2015-11-25 4:32 am
He's probably just getting annoyed that he has to help you all the time (it gets old) especially if you have been whining or complaining because your injury isn't all that bad it probably just bugs him just give him time just deal with it and don't take this the wrong way but that's not that bad of an injury don't get me wrong he's not handling the situation the way he should but do a little on you part. A sprained ankle isn't all that bad I sprained my ankle in football and had to play an entire month and a half with it.
2015-11-25 2:35 am
I suggest you both read Dr Phil McGraw's excellent book, Relationship Rescue. (I wish I got commission, as I recommend it to so many people!). As he writes in the book, it isn't only or people whose relationships are in trouble.
2015-11-27 8:40 am
really 1 year??? wow. my husbsnd was in avwheelchair. 2 yrsvafter we were arriedhevsaid ifi hsd not arrief hi he would bebdead by now. i kept hi alivr phydicsly, mentally, emotionally for 30 years.

I would have a heart to heart with him.
2015-11-26 11:06 pm
Some people aren't morning people.
People say stuff they don't mean especially when people wake them up. He might have been half asleep and half awake. They talk when you pester them but don't remember it in the morning

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