Is my PC any good to run games? Intel Core i5 quad core. I5-4690. Processor speed 3.5GHz. 3TB SATA-III hard drive. 16GB RAM?

2015-11-24 4:34 pm
im thinking about buying a PC with these specs, is it any good to run games like GTA 5?

回答 (3)

2015-12-01 5:37 am
2015-11-25 3:08 am
The only core component that's MIA for a reasonable evaluation is a graphics card... as that will make or break the system.

With the known stuff, you're doing good to run most games at default settings... but you will need to have a decent video card (at least 2 GB or more vRAM for the GPU) to secure the reasonable performance.
2015-11-24 5:09 pm
So far so good. What does the video card look like?

If it's not a good video card for gaming, you can still always buy your own card and install it yourself.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:24:18
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