Do prophetic dreams occur at a specific time of the night?

2015-11-24 8:49 am
I read from a certain book that prophetic dreams happen from 2a.m-7a.m i.e in deep sleep.Is this true?coz i personally think that they can happen at any time of the night.

btw i got that information on the time it occurs from this book;The Dreamers Dictionary, by Stearn Robinson & Tom Corbett,i however didn't read most of the book,has anyone read it all?(i managed only to get this bit from a preview of the book on the internet..).plus @nunya yeah i think it can happen at any time of day e.g Abraham of the bible in genesis 15:12 he had his dream of the covenant with God in the evening..

回答 (7)

2015-11-29 4:18 pm
Mine are usually the last dream before I wake up in the morning. But these are dreams that I just get a feeling about, they are different, very strong feeling.
2015-11-26 2:29 pm
i agree that the time is inconsequential.
the content of the dream is.

positive or negative content.
if its negative, do something to change it.
there is sin, repent quickly and turn things around.
stop backsliding n sinning.
i hear that many christians watch porn ?
2015-11-24 9:25 pm
Whenever God wants to talk to you and your mind is clear of junk. He normally gives me dreams at 3 a.m., but Ihave had them in the middle of the day napping in the recliner. I got a message from Him several times while riding the lawnmower
2015-11-24 10:26 am
I think you're right. The author seems to be assuming that everyone keeps the same hours he does. What if you sleep during the day?
2015-11-24 9:28 am
I don't know because none of my dreams ever actually happened. Sounds sad, but true. Sometimes it's a good thing as well.
2015-11-24 8:49 am

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