緩刑期間偷嘢有冇機會不需執行緩刑? 因假文件判緩刑,看精神科一年,一直要食藥,當時將貨品放入背囊冇比錢走咗,到警局冇講嘢冇認罪,當時受藥物影響而犯案,有冇得打,如果打輸會點判,緩刑果單有冇機會不需執行。 如果認罪會點判,緩刑果單有冇機會不需執行。 唔該各位高人解答,萬分感謝?

2015-11-23 11:07 am

回答 (2)

2015-11-24 8:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Maybe. It really depends on the exact detail of the suspended sentence.

Falsifying document does not relate to stealing. So there is a chance that the suspended sentence will not be imposed.

2. Yes. Intent is a key element for stealing. If the person is impaired, it is possible that person carried some acts that he/she did not mean to do so.

3. It depends on the value stolen. A fine is imposed in most of the case.

For the suspended sentence, it depends on the exact detail of the suspended sentence.

4. See #1.

5. If you plead guilty, the court is free to act. The suspended sentence can be imposed to you.

Your best chance is to hire a lawyer in hope for binding over. Based on your information, you have a good case that the prosecution can't win easily.

You should never plead guilty unless you can reach a deal with the prosecution.

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