Are winter tyres worth buying and would I need to replace them to normal tyres after winter?

2015-11-23 11:01 am
My front tyre needs replacing and I was thinking about buying winter tyres.
According to someone, the tyres I have now are not good to drive with on snow because apparently they are wider and therefore have less grip? (I have no idea what he means by that)

The question is:

Is it worth buying winter tyres?
And would I have to replace them again after winter?


回答 (5)

2015-11-23 12:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you drive on winter tires all year, they will wear out relatively quickly as winter tires wear much faster as the temperature rises.

But winter tires are the safest bet for winter driving. Not only for snow, slush, and ice but also as the ambient temperature falls. Even on dry roads, when the mercury dips, the rubber compounds in summer and all-season tires begin to harden. If the rubber in the tires is not pliable, they begin to lose grip. Winter tires remain softer at colder temperatures and grip remains. Tire experts say the magic number is +7 C. Below that temperature, winter tires are your best bet.
2015-11-23 11:29 am
i just depends where you live. i you live some where. where it snows and there is snow on the roads a good bit during the winter months, then getting snow tires be a good idea if you got the money. but if you don't, regular all season tires will do just fine. assuming that you drive like a sensible person and with some common sense. and not like those freaking idiots that that drives 3 times the speed that everyone is driving, wither it is raining, sleeting, or snowing.
2016-11-11 7:26 pm
Are Winter Tyres Worth It
2015-11-23 11:34 am
I have a set and they are really great for driving in mud, snow and ice. But is it worth it? They were expensive, I had to get another set of wheels to put them on and have somewhere to store them and I have to swap the wheels twice a year. It's worth it for me because I drive snowy, muddy country roads all the time and do a lot of miles. Is it worth it for you?
2015-11-23 11:03 am
Winter tyres wear faster in dry conditions. The ideal setup would be to acquire a pair of wheels from a scrap yard and fit the winter tyres to these. Then you can swap as needed.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:25:06
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