Which career path is better?

2015-11-23 1:57 am
I am stuck on deciding which career path to pursue and I have narrowed it down to possibly teaching or nursing. The only problem is I am worried that the nursing and teaching profession are both currently over saturated and schools are graduating too many nurses and teachers. I feel that it is tough getting a job right out of school in both professions as they require at least one year experience. My concern is that with nursing it is not enough to just have an associate in nursing that you need minimum a BSN if not an MSN these days with minimum one year experience. I am not sure about the bureaucracy of either career or the burnout rate and pack of support from management or administration. What are your thoughts?

回答 (3)

2016-03-18 12:06 pm
Nursing is better in my opinion. Healthcare is one industry which has been growing every year despite any economic downturns. Also the population in the U.S. is aging. I think it is better than teaching, based on several teachers I know.
2015-11-23 3:54 am
What country u live in as it varies greatly.
In USA, u worrying about worthless info.
Both industry are in demand.
Visit local pay scale sites for Demand and pay locally.
Ask local adults for actual info locally as it varies greatly.
Get local actual info.
參考: Employer of uninformed students
2015-11-23 3:34 am
I know a lady who has an associate of nursing degree and is making 35 an hour at a local hospital but she has been in the field a long time. Anyhow, I would go for the BSN in nursing if you need it now a days. It will pay way more than teaching.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:23:26
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