What would the child look like? If the child had one black parent and one mixed race parent black/white, what colour would the baby be?

2015-11-22 3:32 pm

回答 (8)

2015-11-22 4:01 pm
The child could range from almost white to totally black, depending on the genes.
2015-11-22 3:49 pm
Not exactly the specifics you were asking for, but my mother is white and my father is mixed race (white mother and black father). I'm also mixed race due to this, but I look white, with blonde hair, pale skin and green eyes. People are usually surprised when I tell them! So yeah, it really could go any number of ways, as Artemisc said. Genetics are silly things sometimes.
2015-11-22 5:00 pm
Genetic information varies widely because of multiple events during meiosis. For example, The lining of homologous chromosomes from each parents are totally random and crossing over also occurs to increase genetic diversity. There is no way to say here.
參考: High school biology
2015-11-22 10:01 pm
The Obamas' girls have one black parent and once mixed black/white parent. They're beautiful!
2015-11-22 7:28 pm
Black genes (at least appearance wise) are stronger. If the child has a full black parent and half black parent, the child will look mostly black. It isn't likely to have many if any white characteristics.
2015-11-22 3:36 pm
It can go any of a number of ways. I know a family like that, the son could pass for white, the daughter can't. you never know how the kids are going to come out
2015-11-23 1:46 am
Look at our President!
2015-11-23 1:11 am
Milky tan color.

😁 😀 😁

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