Can you get pregnant, if you have sex after your period?

2015-11-22 12:25 am
Okay so I'm 22+ right, married. And yes I would like to have a child. Anyway, so can you get pregnant. Straight after your period. If your period was for 7 days. And in another two more days. I'm fertile apparently, can I get pregnant? Cause we have been married for 8 months.. Let's say in 6 months we have been having unprotected sex for 6 months straight. How come still not pregnant.
So wait now I have this app, ovulation app. Says this and that. So is it now possible to get pregnant straight after my period. Cause apparently in the next 2 days I'm fertile? Yes or no

回答 (6)

2016-12-20 3:30 pm
參考: Pregnancy Remedies
2016-05-03 12:26 pm
The tips to get pregnant given below are some effective ways to get pregnant fast and are natural ways of getting pregnant. Read here

Women can easily keep a tab on their ovulation by maintaining a temperature chart. Usually around the time of ovulation there is a spike in the temperature of women.

Stress and strain has significant role to play in respect of reproductive cycle including ovulation and menstruation. So if you are planning to get pregnant see to it that your partner as well as you are calm and collected.

Diet, weight, physical fitness and lifestyle have direct bearing on pregnancy. This holds true for both men and women. Both underweight and overweight may be exposed to the risk of infertility on account of difficulties in ovulation. So optimum importance should be given to body weight. One should opt for balanced diet, regular work out and exercises.
2015-11-22 4:29 am
I got pregnant from sex I had on the last day of my period. Can it happen? Yes. Will it? Who knows. The more sex you have the higher the chances.
2015-11-22 12:51 am
While you continue enjoying sex with your man, research physical signs of fertility. There are a number of physical symptoms of ovulation that you can monitor to help increase your chances of conception. Understand, though, that in a single cycle, a couple has about a 25% chance of pregnancy. For one cycle that doesn't seem like a big chance, but also keep in mind that without the use of any birth control methods, 89% of couples will be pregnant within a year! Good luck!!
2015-11-22 12:47 am
Oh hell yeah! Though it's not 100% you'll definitely get pregnant right after your period, it is still a good chance.
2015-11-22 12:36 am
Don't go by apps, go by your body if you think you may be pregnant then use the old method, if you think you could be pregnant, then see your doctor.

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