What am I doing wrong? I make about $32,000 a year and I never have money?

2015-11-22 12:22 am
So I haven t graduated from college. I m 31, single, no kids. I started college at 17 and still hadn t finished. I have about 86 hours and when I moved away my parents paid all of my bills including tuition. I didn t get serious until they told me I had to pay myself after them paying for 5 years. I accept full responsibility, but I have no idea how I will pay. Classes are $1100 for 3 hours at the school I ve been attending. My sister moved here and we bought a house. The mortgage payment is $1100 and we split that and the bills. Our last apartment was going to cost us $950 a month, so my dad paid our down payment and closing costs. He also gave me his car and bought a new one when my last car s engine went out. I ve never paid a car note or car insurance and I m still broke. I live in DFW Texas. I honestly think I need to be making about 45,000 to live comfortably. I am about to start a new job at $35,000, but I need to be making way more money. How do I manage my money better? I usually go out twice a week and that s it.

回答 (5)

2015-11-23 12:24 pm
In 5 years how many years now do you have to go to get your degree and what's your major. My school wanted me to do 160 credit hours so can I assume you have 74 more to go, almost half? What were you doing in that 5 years, since it appears you took one course per year.
So now when you lump them all together are you still schooling at the same school or are you trying to transfer credits to some other school? Your first two years were supposed to be taken at the nearby community college while you lived at home. That was your first mistake. Anyway so sure, for two years of school $35,000 is average salary. When you finish college you should try to earn $55,000.
Maybe when you bought your new car you splurged. Are you paying high car insurance? Does Obamacare have you down? are your credit cards high? Idk, are you buying clothing or what with your money?
2015-11-23 3:07 am
you just need to budget your money and figure out where it is going.
2015-11-22 4:15 am
you simply need to budget and account for everything you spend

no more going out

no more morning coffee out

no more fast food lunch

you have to be eating at home packing a lunch more fruits and veggies...

look at your cell phone bill, car insurance and cut those bills...

you simply have not budgeted and stuck to it...knowing where the money is going is key to saving it

daily spending is where most people go south and spend too much

you need to focus on your education and finish it

you may need another room mate for a year to help with expenses

honestly I would be looking for a second job close to home and ditch the car...you do not have the money to fix it or for insurance...cars are a total drain...on $$

I think once you develop a budget, watch where you spend and focus on your education and another second job you will be tired but you can make it...

I think you will appreciate working towards a few goals and the first key is to know you can verses says you can not....
2015-11-22 12:54 am
2015-11-22 12:36 am
you need to make a list of your expenses for the month, whether it's buying a cup of coffee, or a larger purchase; at the end of the month you will see where the $$ is going to

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:22:51
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