why did yahoo put rock and pop together?

2015-11-21 11:03 am
Im kinda confused :P

回答 (9)

2015-11-21 11:07 am
No clue. I love rock and hate pop.
2015-11-21 5:13 pm
Both fall under the "popular music" criteria and they share enough of the same musical characteristics to where it's perfectly appropriate to pair them together.

Both generally appeal to widespread audiences rather than certain subcultures or groups; both have music and rhythms that encourage the listener to dance; both typically have lyrical themes that explore topics people can relate to (relationships, personal struggles, etc.); you get the idea...
2015-11-22 7:11 am
because they arent rock fans
2015-11-21 6:57 pm
It's just a "package" deal, like when you go shopping for food. You do that in a grocery store, not a hardware store, then just find stuff you want. I can think of at least half a dozen more focused forums that might work, particularly for metal, band ratings, playlist recommendations, etc., but there went over half the R&P forum. Might be best if we stick together.
2015-11-21 2:31 pm
Both sound the same, there is a heavy metal section I think
2015-11-21 2:15 pm
Idk put pop with hip hop
2015-11-21 2:05 pm
Its a streamlined approach. They put them together out of necessity not because it makes sense. Music is a huge section on Answers and they had to include all of the sections they possibly could. And rock and pop may not go together normally but it incoporates two very popular ones. Also its Yahoo when have they made sense?
2015-11-21 5:44 pm
POP is the term used to refer to Mainstream music.
2015-11-22 12:02 am
It makes me angry. Pop deserves so much better than to be grouped with rock.

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