Which is prettier?

2015-11-20 7:39 pm
Hailey or Cassidy

回答 (8)

2015-11-20 7:47 pm
Cassidy. you can shorten it to Cass if you want
2015-11-21 4:39 am
2015-11-21 12:48 am
I don't know I love both names. But, I think Cassidy sounds prettier
2015-11-20 9:06 pm
As both names are originally masculine I find it hard to consider either name 'pretty' however Cassie is a cute nickname, therefore my choice would be Cassidy.
2015-11-20 8:42 pm
2015-11-20 8:12 pm
2015-11-20 7:43 pm
Hailey. I don't like the name Cassidy on a girl.
2015-11-20 7:42 pm

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