Why can't feminists leave gaming alone?

2015-11-20 6:42 pm
I don't get it

"@Thomas " Feminist like "Anita Sarkeesian" are trying to change and ruin games for us. How would women like it if men wanted to change something they very much enjoyed?

回答 (67)

2015-11-21 8:04 pm
What? Feminists don't like gaming?
2015-11-20 6:45 pm
I don't understand your question. What are feminists doing to prevent you from playing video games?
2015-11-20 7:21 pm
I guess they have opinions, sorry you live in a free country were people state opinions There is very little treat on gaming from feminists. If you don't get why someone would have an opinion different from yours then I don't get you. Personally I like gaming and have no issues with it but some people do, thats ok..
2015-11-23 10:12 pm
Feminists are the real sexists. They don't want women in ANY violent game. Even if the violence happens to women in real life, they have a problem with it, unless it's a man. Prostitutes are an unfortunate fact of life, but when a developer puts them in a game for authenticity or realism, feminists are right there with complaints.
2015-11-23 2:57 am
Being a feminists doesn't mean we don't like gaming. It's not like we sign a contract that says "now that you've become a feminist you are not allowed to enjoy these things."
If anything, it's one of my favorite things in the world.
You're not referring to feminists, you're referring to women who have low self esteem and compare themselves to a video game character. If that's the case I would just ignore them.
2015-11-22 5:44 am
I'm a girl and I play every kind of game there is except sport games. You name it: RPGS, First-person shooters, Sandbox/open world, fashion games, survival horror, 3rd person games, ect..

Can't wait for Deus Ex: Humanity Divided!

Also, I don't do that Call of Duty non-sense. I tend to stick to campaign only if there's an option.
2015-11-20 6:47 pm
There's something called free speech. They have the right to complain, just as you have the right to complain about them complaining.
2015-11-20 7:01 pm
Women often work at jobs they "very much enjoy", but men spoil things by not paying them as much as men working the same job.
2015-11-20 8:34 pm
SWJs ruin everything. It's what they do.

Yes, they have right to say whatever they want. However, they forget that the people whom they criticize also have the right to design characters, levels, and in general their games however they want. The motto of SWJs is as follows: "Your rights end where my feelings begin."
2015-11-23 2:55 pm
Are you implying that women don’t enjoy video games?

I don't understand are you talking about feminist or women in general, because not all women are feminist and all feminist aren't out to get men.

It's very simple, if you like the game then buy it, if you don't, then don't, nothing has changed.
2015-11-25 10:01 pm
Why shouldn't a girl be able to find just as many games with female leads as boys do? You're a grinch. Gaming isn't just for guys. It's a fun activity that anyone can enjoy. If you don't realize that, well, there's just no hope for a reasonable conversation.
2015-11-25 4:36 am
It's Feminazi's.
2015-11-23 3:17 am
Because feminist believe that men like video games more than them, and men ignore them when they play video games, that's why. Tbh, I LOVE video games, such as, The Legend Of Zelda, Fire Emblem Awakening(can't wait for the new one), Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm, Battlefront and a lot more, and I'm a woman.
2015-11-22 5:19 am
Same reason they hate magazines. They sexualize women. Yea, sure some do. But they conveniently turn blind when it's a guy who is shirtless with abs.
2015-11-22 12:50 am
Here's a crazy idea, ignore it. People can say what they want. They shouldn't be threatened, killed, or insulted for it. You wouldn't want that because you said something that was an opinion.
2015-11-20 6:56 pm
I don't get the question
2015-11-22 9:54 pm
Actually, I'm a feminist and I love gaming. I'm completely obsessed with it to be exact.
2015-11-22 12:55 am
Probably because by pwning all of these newbs, male gamers are asserting their dominance over society, leaving females in the dust.
2015-11-21 3:32 am
It's probably because of how much someone plays during the day I think, Other than that I don't find any other reason why, I'm a gamer girl and love playing but not all people enjoy gaming since they can't handle it because they think its a waste of time.
2015-11-21 1:05 am
Freedom of speech.
Not that I agree with what they say but I respect feminists opinions as well.
2015-11-22 7:54 pm
I think its because gaming is now the most profitable entertainment industry and it happens to be very popular among males. Modern feminists have a problem with anything that caters to males and try to make a controversy to gain attention. So obviously, it will make a very popular controversy that will gain them plenty of media support (look at gamergate) and try to make feminism seem revelant again in first world countries. I find it very sad when feminists are trying to protect pixels form sexual discrimination. I would also like to point out that anita is not a feminist she is a con-artist and professional victim who only cares for her bank account.
2015-11-20 7:08 pm
Feminists won't stop until they've destroyed everything and won't be happy until everyone is gay and lesbian
2015-11-23 5:36 pm
You mean femi-nazis, not feminist. Those types of girls get pissed if at anything that "oppresses" women.
2015-11-22 3:42 pm
i wouldn t exactly call Anita a feminist but i guess its because a lot of games have men as a leading role rather than a strong female character.
BTW: im a feminist myself but i disagree with Anita s statements because there a lot of famous games where the lead character is a woman.
2015-11-21 2:18 am
I think most feminists don't care
2015-11-22 10:15 pm
Half of the gaming community is made up of females. It s not a male population, developers have to listen to both genders. If developers were still making games solely with male protagonists, sexist character designs, and disrespectful attitudes, they would lose half of their income. Not only that, but game developers that listen to feminists earn high praise in game ratings and reviews because these games aren t just reviewed by males, they re reviewed by females too. You may hate how these games are turning out, but video games are becoming the new storytelling media full of intricate characters of both genders, designs, and game-play that caters to the entire gaming population. If you don t like it, then maybe you re not a true gamer.
2015-11-20 9:02 pm
They want attention.... No matter how bad/ good it is!
2015-11-21 6:12 pm
I say why should they? Just cause we guys may enjoy video games more than girls (just saying, not many girls do enjoy video games) doesn't mean they shouldn't be aloud to play video games. What if some girl were to tell you that you shouldn't play video games? I'm a guy btw. So yea, there really isn't a problems with females playing video games. I think it's pretty cool.
2015-11-20 7:10 pm
Because no one in the gaming industry has the balls to shut them up and tell them to **** off
2015-11-20 6:52 pm
they equate joysticks to penises , and pushing buttons as "rape of the controller"
2015-11-20 6:43 pm
"Men are enjoying their games! OPPRESSION !!! MEN CAN'T BE ALLOWED TO HAVE FUN IT RUINS MY LIFE !!!"
2015-11-20 7:11 pm
They're programmed in their women's study courses to search and destroy anything they construe as sexist.
2015-12-02 2:51 pm
Because they hate everyone and everything
2015-11-29 1:04 pm
Im a female and I used to play games like spyro, crash and Pokemon in my childhood. I see the games people play these days that affect girls as objects except for tomb raider. I'm amazed that female gamers play games that are more into of a male type of games like GTA. People who are feminists are either doing this for attention and couldn't get their priories straight. I don't think they should ruin the things you enjoy because they haven't exactly have fun with them...we are all equal enough
2015-11-23 9:36 pm
Gaming is a profitable entertainment industry. It is popular for men. Feminists are jealous. There's your answer.
2015-11-23 5:53 pm
Women who have grown up their entire lives being told they are perfect. Then the real world hits them where their flaws are pointed out and they demand everyone/everything else must change as to not shed light on their imperfections.

These type of people just piss me off. A rational person would identify their weaknesses and take measures to strengthen them without imposing on others. No need for change, no need for protest, no need to voice your option (cramming their option down the throats of others).
2015-11-23 8:02 am
Video game players know how to live without drooling after women. This makes them a threat. It's about control.
2015-11-23 2:55 am
They're all C words that want attention and can't get it normally.
2015-11-22 9:55 pm
Its simply a way for them to get attention by criticizing games and causing drama etc.
2015-11-22 3:32 pm
Because People who redefine stupidity will throw their money at ANYTHING!
2015-11-22 7:26 am
Feminazis are assholes that just like to play the victim role. The Amazing Atheist gets into this subject a lot I recommend you check him out if you haven't already
2015-11-22 6:11 am
They whinge on many things but don't listen to our points
2015-11-24 3:13 am
What are you taking about? I love gaming, and there are lots of women I hang around with who game. Yes, female video game characters are often exaggerated and hyper-sexualized... but tons of male characters are as well. I I don't find it offensive. Like the last game I played was Mortal Kombat, where all the female characters are half naked with their boobs hanging out. I LOVE THOSE CHARACTERS! Because they are feminine, sexy, and totally badass on top of it! I want to fantasize for a little while that I can be that way, because I can't run around half naked and gut people in real life.

If someone is offended by a game, for whatever reason... don't play it!
2015-11-22 3:56 pm
" Feminist like "Anita Sarkeesian" are trying to change and ruin games for us."

You have been drinking too much MRA Kool-Aid, haven't you?

"How would women like it if men wanted to change something they very much enjoyed?"

What do you mean "if" ?

Do you think that never happens?
2015-11-21 4:23 pm
Screw you guys with bad comments thanks to the ones standing up for us. But first, we have interests. just because we r different sex does not mean we have to not do the same things as you or aren't allowed to. We can also like the same things as u. We can do the same things as u. So many things are changing. And no, we are not trying to destroy anything and not stop until gay and lesbian and everything else is perfect, many people want that. we rnt destroying anything, if anything we r making it better
2015-11-21 10:43 am
Because they're on their period.
2015-11-21 8:33 am
like what exactly? like implementing chicks into games and not so much guys? i'm a girl myself who plays and don't see why feminists have to accuse dudes of pretty much everything. feminists can't do shi.t about it, so who cares
2015-11-21 1:48 pm
feminist are just pathetic bitter females who want extra rights
2015-11-21 10:31 pm
Because that won't stop until they have censored everything. Don't worry though. They will never change anything.
2015-11-29 6:06 pm
They HAtE fun
2015-11-25 9:55 pm
2015-11-24 2:59 pm
with all the feminist there are, one's ALWAYS bound to be having that time of the month
2015-11-24 1:56 pm
This is something new to me.. I wasn't aware that feminists played games regularly. I always assumed they got their kicks out of activist marches or gatherings in their local city centre.
2015-11-24 6:16 am
2015-11-24 12:51 am
Thats like asking pig skin pekerwuds to leave movie theaters and schools alone
2015-11-23 7:43 pm
2015-11-23 2:59 am
i like to ****
2015-11-23 2:15 am
2015-11-22 10:11 pm
Exactly, buzz off
2015-11-22 9:38 pm
What do you mean...
2015-11-22 11:49 am
This is question:Thank you, that was the close up of a female."your answer."
2015-11-22 11:28 am
because WOMEN!
2015-11-21 9:58 pm
try it out
2015-11-20 7:42 pm
Why can't YOU just stop murdering people?
2015-11-25 4:25 pm
Because men are the main cause of feminists having to speak out.
2015-11-24 3:25 am
didn't quite think they had it out for gaming. really its just perspective, and I wouldn't pin it just on feminists as there are many people who do not enjoy video games. it really shouldn't be that big of a deal to you though. its not as if your right to play video games will be taken away (and if it is threatened, then power to you, fight it). my point being, its not feminists attacking games but it could be anyone. feminism isn't outlined as being something like "a movement toward the expungement of video gaming and any associations there of".
2015-11-24 1:39 am
Video games often display women as sex objects or with larger proportions in the chest and rear, which causes feminists to dislike videogames. After all, most gamers are guys, and most games are geared to that crowd.
2015-11-22 7:58 pm
Do you even know what feminist means ; a women who wants the same rights as men. So whaatt the ***** are you talking about. Do you mean girls in general? If so WTH why cant we play games. I hope this is a ******* joke because you are. 💁

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