
2015-11-19 11:55 am

回答 (3)

2015-12-17 11:27 am
好書推薦《人生大挑戰》 想永遠平安 健康富有 全文臉書網路免費公開
2015-11-24 9:02 am
2015-11-19 5:21 pm
One Man’s Story

When Vernon Johnston was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer, his options were few. The standard treatment required him to submit to bouts of chemotherapy and hope that the poisonous drugs that will be fed into his body can kill off cancer cells faster that they can kill off healthy, normal cells.

Chemotherapy represents a drastic measure that oncologists are all too eager to recommend and an option patients dread with good reasons. Often times, chemotherapy leaves the body drained and the immune system damaged.

When it fails, and it does fail often, chemotherapy severely reduces the chances of success of any subsequent treatment options. Yet 9 out 10 cancer patients turn to chemotherapy first.

In Vernon’s case, the prostate cancer was already advanced and had metastasized to his bones. Chemotherapy would have been long and expensive and there was no guarantee that those drugs would work.

So, Vernon took matters into his own hands. On his brother’s advice, Vernon decided to raise his body’s pH to combat the cancer spreading in his body. To do this, he sought to obtain cesium chloride.

Cesium therapy is a well-known treatment protocol in cancer therapy. And it is an option doctors rarely give their cancer patients.

Treating cancer with cesium has been shown to have a 50% cure rate. Compared to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, cesium therapy produces better results. This cure rate is even more impressive considering the fact that most cancer patients receiving cesium have already undergone and failed to respond to chemotherapy, radiation therapy and/or surgery.

Instead of trying his luck with these orthodox cancer protocols, Vernon simply ordered cesium chloride.

Unfortunately, the cesium never arrived. However, Vernon did not give up on raising his pH levels and making his body too alkaline for cancer cells to spread. While searching for alternatives, he happened on a cheap and commonly available alkalizing source: baking soda.

This common household cooking item is commonly added to bubbly drinks and also used as an antacid to neutralize stomach acid in the treatment of ulcer and acid reflux.

The remedy Vernon found called for mixing baking soda with maple syrup. With no maple syrup on hand, he mixed the baking soda with molasses.

Vernon Johnston fought his cancer with ingredients taken from his kitchen. His efforts and success are documented on his blog aptly described as “dance with cancer”.

www.wujue.com 文章来源:网络资源 点击数:1538 更新时间:2005-11-10 8:40:18

【原料】川贝母12克、雪梨6个、糯米100克、冬瓜条100克、冰糖180克 白矾适量

1. 将糯米淘洗干净,蒸成米饭;冬瓜切成黄豆大颗粒;川贝母打碎; 白矾溶化成水。
2.将6个雪梨去皮后,均由蒂把处刀切下一块为盖,用小刀挖出梨核, 再把它们浸没在白矾水内,以防变色,然后将梨在沸水中烫一下,捞 出放入凉水中冲凉,再捞出放入碗内;将糯米饭、冬瓜条和适量冰糖 尿拌匀后川贝母都分成六等份,分别装入6个雪梨中,盖好蒂把,装 入碗内,然后上笼,沸水蒸约50分钟,至梨烂后即成。
3.将锅内和清水300克,置武火上烧沸后,放入剩余冰糖,溶化收浓 汁,待梨出笼时,逐个浇在雪梨上。





20 碗水、豬、無花果、陳腎、紅蘿蔔、
大火煲 30分鐘;

然後放入西洋菜大火煲 15分鐘;轉小火滾 135 分鐘。


manuka honey
2010年6月13日 星期日 下午9:23


Country doctor cures cancer - with baking soda & maple syrup

That's the astonishing claim of controversial folk healer Jim Kelmun - who says his simple home remedy can stop and reverse the growth of deadly cancers. The 75-year-old former truck driver has no medical degree and authorities are demanding that he stop dispensing his "wonder drug" - or face a prison sentence.

But his loyal patients swear by the man they fondly call "Dr. Jim" - and say he's a miracle worker.

"Dr. Jim cured me of lung cancer," declares farmer Ian Rodhiuse, 64. "Those other doctors told me I was a goner and had less than six months to live.”But the doc put me on his mixture - and in a couple of months, the cancer was gone. It didn't even show up on X-rays!"

The gentle, silver-haired grandfather - who has been preparing home remedies since 1954 - says he first hit upon the miracle cure in the mid-1970s, when he was treating a family plagued by breast cancer. "There were five sisters in the family and all of them passed away from the big C by age 50 - except one," he recalls. "I asked if there was anything different in her diet. She told me she was partial to sipping maple syrup and baking soda. I figured, let me try it out on some of my other patients."

Since then, "Dr. Jim" has dispensed his mixture to more than 200 patients diagnosed with terminal cancer. Amazingly, he claims that of that number, 185 lived at least 15 more years - and nearly half enjoyed a complete remission of their disease.

"You tell me about another treatment that works that good!" he demands proudly.

Medical experts are less enthusiastic. "This man is a quack, plain and simple," blasts an official at a state medical association. "We intend to see that he is arrested for practicing medicine without a license."

Until that happens, Dr. Jim vows to keep prescribing his treatment: "I'm just going to keep on saving lives."

Dr. Jim's Miracle treatment is made with baking soda and maple syrup. The Dr. Jim's recipe is not secret and is not patented as regular medicines:
Mix one part baking soda with three parts maple syrup in a small saucepan.
Stir briskly.
Heat for five minutes.
Take one teaspoon daily, as needed.

Some scientists believe that this therapy works because the cancer cells are attracted to sugar and gulp up the maple syrup, and in the process give a free ride to the baking soda right into the cancer cell. The baking soda is like cyanide to cancer cells, because it attacks the cancer cells with a shock wave of alkalinity, which lets a lot more oxygen into the cancer cells than the cancer cell can tolerate. Cancer cells cannot continue to exist in the charisma of high levels of oxygen.
god bless jesus love you and your father

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 14:04:03
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