What are the risks of pregnancy at 48 years old?

2015-11-19 5:56 am
My mum thinks she is pregnant and i am really freaking out about it because i have heard there are alot of risks at that age

回答 (4)

2015-12-08 3:40 pm
99.9% chance honey buns
2015-11-19 7:09 am
Have her get a test. It's rare to get pregnant at that age unless she was using fertility treatments. Like, one thousand to one odds, I think.

If she is pregnant, there's a high risk of having a child with Down Syndrome. But doctors can manage these risks.
2015-11-19 6:52 am
Hell, I can't get pregnant at 24. Worship those genes.
But in all reality, if she is fit and healthy, there should be minimal risk. Of course she will be considered high risk and will be monitored closely but if the pregnancy is at all endangering her life, there is the option of termination.
2015-11-19 12:52 pm
She needs to test right away. It's possible her symptoms are caused by menopause.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:41:55
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