Should we keep animals in zoos? If you answer please put a website that helped you with your thesis?

2015-11-19 2:32 am

回答 (3)

2015-11-19 2:38 am
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Yes, we absolutely need zoos.
I did volunteer work for several years at a world-class zoo in Omaha, Nebraska. The primary reason that we have zoos is to ensure genetic diversity in animals, especially those species which are endangered or otherwise threatened, and to conduct research that will ensure the survival of entire species of animals.

The animals that are displayed are simply the attraction that brings in the money needed to do the real work of the zoos... breeding for diversity, research, and - hopefully - to save endangered species (which may someday include humans).
2015-11-19 2:35 am
Preferably we'd control our outrageous population so we're not destroying the world to a point where zoos are the only safe spaces for certain species.
2015-11-19 2:34 am
Why do you assume that websites are the best places to get information? That's pretty stupid.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:22:11
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