I'm the worst on my indoor track team. Advice/Tips?

2015-11-19 1:18 am
Hey! I've recently joined track (about 2 weeks ago) and I'm one of the worst (if not the worst) person on the team. a lot of the people who do it are athletes that are just trying to stay in shape on their off season. But me, I'm not in shape AT ALL. I'm not fat but not skinny, about average for my age (15) (female)I'm doing it to get in shape and lose a few pounds. anyways I'm really bad and always get really tired during practices and have to end up walking. For example today, we did a timed mile and I came in last. I can't even run a mile without walking. Any tips on how to stay positive and motivated? will running eventually get easier if I keep with it? thanks so much.

回答 (2)

2015-11-19 2:49 pm
Have you ever sat down to a new task and found that you were already an expert at it? Of course not. Nobody gets a Spanish dictionary and then complains 2 weeks later because they aren't yet fluent. This isn't any different. Nobody goes into something new and is suddenly great, it takes time, it takes work, and the only way you'll get better is to keep at it.

Everyone has to find their own motivation, we can't motivate you - we're strangers on the internet, you don't know us, we don't know you, you have no investment in our opinions. Look at why you're doing what you're doing, and what you hope to get out of it. When things get tough at practice, bring your mind back to those thoughts, to your goals, and stay focused.
2015-11-19 12:40 pm
give it some time, two weeks is not enough time to get in shape.
Just keep going you will get better.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:21:23
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