How much would a crack this small cost to fix?

2015-11-19 12:46 am
I have a small, thin (and barely noticeable) crack going across the bottom of my iPad mini (idr which one it is). I want to get it fixed before it could possibly get any worse. Anyone know about how much it would cost and a good place to fix it? Preferably places in scarborough

回答 (2)

2015-11-19 1:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Have to agree with Mmm J. You can't really fix tiny cracks. You have to replace the whole digitzer. I don't live anywhere near Scarborough, so I can't recommend any place.

If you're confident enough, you can replace the digitizer yourself. There are plenty of tutorials on YouTube on how to do this.
2015-11-19 1:02 am
That is not a "fix" it is a replacement of that whole piece.

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