What could be a specific research question to write about on the Irish Famine?

2015-11-18 6:27 pm
I m writing a research paper on the Irish Famine and I haven t decided what kind of specific question I would like to do.

This disaster was a byproduct
of many factors including the ecological catastrophe unleashed by the infestation
of a new plant disease;the nature of the Irish countryside on the eve of the famine;
the society of Ireland in the mid-1800s; the religious beliefs, economic precepts,
ethnic bigotries, and scientific ideas
of the time;and the connections among
Ireland and other lands. Beyond the enormous death toll, the famine had other far-reaching effects, including the acceleration of the Irish diaspora.

Can someone help me figure a good question to write about?

回答 (2)

2015-11-18 7:23 pm
How much of it was avoidable. Even with the plant disease, the land owners were still exporting food crops.
2015-11-18 6:40 pm
What effect did the Irish Famine have on its people?
2015-11-18 6:31 pm
Perhaps tracking the Irish immigration to the US, both before, during, and after the famine, with a title such as "Famine as a Driving Force for Mass Migration". You could also research other famines, such as the African droughts from a couple of decades ago, and compare their impact upon US immigration.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:27:27
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