Why does the media make Putin out to be a dictator and bad leader?

2015-11-18 7:45 am
I m good friends with a Ukrainian immigrant and he says the West deliberately make Putin out as the bad guy, and he approves of Vlad Putin. Also, although I ve heard Putin is bad, I ve not heard what makes him so apparently bad as a leader.

回答 (21)

2015-11-18 8:17 am
That began with the poisoning of Alexander Litvenko. Poisoning his equivalent of Snowden, and using radioactive material to do it attracted a lot of negative attention. This led to Western suspicions that the murder of reporter Anna Politkovskaya was another state assassination because of her criticism of the Russian military. Then there was the prosecution of.Mikhail Khodorkovsky followed by his company being dismantled and mostly taken over by the state which suggested to westerners that he was going back to communism. And there was the way that he evaded Russia's term limit law by shifting his official title but never letting go of being in charge. He seems likely to be functionally ruler for life no matter what his official title may be and there are accusations from observers of irregularities in the elections. Then there was the Russian annexation of Crimea and threats that he'd move on to conquer all of the rest of Ukraine.
2015-11-18 8:24 am
Because he has killed journalists during his reign,
thus reducing your freedom of press, here you can see the Freedom Index is low,
He controls the press,

Here's a RT anchor resigning over the fact they have had editorial control,

He has shoot down a dutch plane killing 200 people, according to the Dutch,

He has taken away people rights, such as homosexuals.

Lastly, killing opponents in red square!!

Under his rule Russia has become less democratic and more totalitarian.

Lastly, th ekilling of dissentors,
2015-11-18 9:52 am
the people of Russia Love him he is doing the Right thing for Russia By thumbing his Nose to the USA
2015-11-18 9:25 am
Cold War sentiment still lingers.
2015-11-18 8:51 am
America still thinks of Russia as the 'reds under the beds'. I have even heard Russians still referred to as 'the soviets' when there are interviews or discussions on TV. It is all part of the American 'dream'....you can only think staright when you are awake !!
2015-11-18 8:50 am
Ukraine voted to be independent from Russia, Putin now wants it back and is bombing their citizens.
What is good about that?
2015-11-18 8:26 am
The Russian- Ukranians will be all for Putin. The Ukranians are mostly not. The man 'annexes' countries adjoining Russia and by his track record, isn't to be totally trusted. But as always, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer so to keep Putin onboard, with ISIS, is a good idea I think.
2015-11-18 9:13 am
Because the media suppport the EU in getting Ukraine to sign a 2nd-class contract(the trade-treaty Ukraine ended up signing was an insult to Ukraine, that's why President Yanukovych refused to sign it in the first place, as the Free Market allows, Putin then offered a better 1st-class partnership, which President Yanukovych signed).

Putin doesn't run Russia much different than Obama, or Bush runs America, or the EU is run(people mention expansionism, the EU expanded it's territory by 25% since 2004, the biggest expansion of any Union/Country).

The media has really proven itself a propaganda tool for the 'retro' of the Cold War sentiments.

And it creates problems too, Putin said removing Saddam was a bad idea, attacking Assad was a bad idea, and right now, it looks like he was right, but the propaganda has been so aggressive, that you worry that the US/NATO can't make the right decision, because it would mean admitting they were wrong.
2015-11-18 9:05 am
the media is owned by the very group of people that Putin kicked out of Russia because they were stealing resources from the Russian people

also Putin is a Christian and they are anti Christian in a big way

they are jealous of his popularity too

they hate that Russia is no longer under their Communist atheist iron rule

Russia is once again Christian country

2015-11-18 8:36 am
He is giving it to ISil more than anyone else is for that he deserves applause.
2015-11-18 5:05 pm
President Putin is a very good man. Above all, he is the elected leader of the Russian people.

President Putin is a deeply religious Orthodox Christian - some, especially here in Western Europe, believe him to be the 'saviour of Christendom' - hero for Christ and the Christian Church. I personally believe this to be so.

Putin the Christian

Russian Orthodox New York City - closer than we think. . . .

Gott mit uns
2015-11-18 9:21 am
Because he IS. The number of dissenters that have been murdered, is just one reason, the shooting doen of a civilian aircraft over Ukraine, is another. He cannot be seen to personally be profiting but, his 23 year old daughter is now a multi billionaire. When Putin was in the KGB, Korean Airlines Flight Number 007 from New York to Seoul, was shot down over Soviet territory with no warning, claiming that the Boeing jumbo jet was a spy plane (yea right) killing all 269 on board. He is a despotic mass murderer.
2015-11-18 8:40 am
Because of his long list of overt and underhand anti-Western activities and resurrection of the Cold War. Just imagine if the UK one day decided it wanted to reassimilate the Republic of Ireland and then went on to try to get the rest of its empire back, Russia would throw more than a hissy fit!
He is however not yet a bad leader.... for the Russians.
2015-11-18 10:32 am
He is not bad.. he is strong a minded leader who has responded admirably to the ISIS attack and shown Western leaders that decisive action is required not talk talk talk.
Just because Russian ideology is different from ours that doesn't make Putin bad. Russia has never used the atom bomb like their irresponsible cold war foe. Think about that.
2016-09-29 10:21 pm
Putin Dictator
2016-04-14 5:49 pm
Because he is a bad leader.
參考: Burnoatus
2015-11-19 10:36 pm
Well, the west of Ukraine does not like Russia but the Ukrainians in the east speak Russian and those are the people who protested for local control when the illegal coup took place and the former President took off.

Putin is the greatest leader I have seen in my lifetime the way he has handled Russia's problems since the end of the USSR. Putin is clever, insightful, brave, patriotic, a problem-solver.

The Ukrainian "president" was going to sign an agreement with Putin to end eastern Ukraine conflict when the U.S. interfered and scuttled that agreement. They do not want Russia to have any influence or ties with Ukraine. U.S. is in Ukraine training mercenaries to attack eastern Ukraine. 6,000 people have already died.

The West is hard on Putin for only one reason: he pursue's Russia's interests rather than America's interests. Every other leader bows down to U.S. America had plans for Crimea until they rejoined Russia. British and American press portray Putin in a bad light but Russia has solved most of the problems America has created in HIS region. The U.S. provokes Russia with NATO and military bases all along Russia's border.
2015-11-18 6:07 pm
The mass media cannot get over the fact that the berlin wall is gone and Russia has been capitalist for 24 years.
2015-11-18 12:32 pm
It's HeadLine Journalism,a Cold War hangover
2015-11-18 11:13 am
Cons love the guy.
2015-11-18 10:55 am
Find out who OWNS the Media which you refer to,..and there is your answer.

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