How one can become an expert in something?

2015-11-18 6:50 am

回答 (33)

2015-11-18 8:18 am
2015-11-18 10:31 pm
Study, research, and/or practice this certain skill each day. Become a master.
2015-11-18 12:37 pm
Experts are not born as such although an element of in-born acumen is perhaps necessary..... what really matters is dedication, determination, hard work and continuous practice in the specific field.
2015-11-18 6:51 am
By practicing til you drop.
2015-11-22 6:16 pm
there are some Simple Steps to Becoming an Expert in Anything. like..
Figure out what you re interested in: First you need to evaluate your current position. What do you know right now that you are close to being an expert in?
Focus on one subject at a time: Get rid of your cluttered mind and focus on one subject at a time. Overwhelming yourself by trying to learn too many things at one time will only set you up for failure.
Remember that practice makes perfect: Becoming an expert overnight just isn t going to happen. You are going to have to put a lot of work and dedication into becoming an expert at anything
2015-11-19 11:40 pm
2015-11-19 5:18 am
Study it, get hands on experience and ask lots of questions
2015-11-19 2:53 am
Find out and study what you still don't know and practice ( / do / nurture) what you already know.
2015-11-19 2:13 am
Educate and study. The more you are doing the closer you can be to expertise.
2015-11-18 12:01 pm
by supposedly dedicating 10,000 hours to one particular interest such as piano.
2015-11-18 7:31 am
Practice and dedication to nothing else except that something.
2015-11-18 7:07 am
Study-read-study -read-study read-study.
2015-11-18 6:52 am
2015-11-19 4:48 pm
Experts are usually people I believe with at last a Masters degree of study in the subject.
2015-11-24 11:18 pm
No. That's stupid. Be good at everything you do. If you are an expert at something, that means you suck at everything else. Which makes you a loser.
2015-11-24 5:13 am
if you're passionate, you can become an expert.
2015-11-23 7:07 pm
practise makes the man perfect
2015-11-23 12:06 pm
Practice makes a man perfect.
2015-11-22 11:25 pm
focusing and practicing may be
2015-11-22 12:34 am
There are three rules to becoming an expert. Rule one is to study. Rule two is also to study. And, rule three is to study some more. Good luck.
2015-11-20 9:35 pm
Practice, or train for 12 hours each day, shut yourself away from the world, wear comfortable shoes, eat fish and chips and masturbate only rarely.
2015-11-20 8:31 pm
Education. Training. Life and work experiences.
2015-11-20 10:18 am
Practice and Practice makes a man perfect.
2015-11-19 10:27 pm
In most fields it takes about 5 years of full time effort to become an expert. This works for everything from competitive chess champions to highly skilled laborers to business, engineering and science workers.

It should come as no surprise that traditional apprenticeship programs take 5 years. It should come as no surprise that a Bachelors traditionally takes 4 years and a Masters traditionally takes 1 year for a total of 5.

No one knows why it's five years not more not less, but it is very consistent field to field.
2015-11-19 5:47 pm
The Oxford English dictionary defines and expert as -
someone made capable by practice - so practise.
2015-11-19 5:12 pm
Seek out the knowledge on your own, and learn from people who are involved/make a living in said field or industry.
2015-11-19 12:37 pm
Hard work and practice.
2015-11-18 11:14 pm
Knowledge and practice.
2015-11-18 2:02 pm
Train and study. The more you do the closer you will become to expertise.
2015-11-18 12:53 pm
Practice practice practice.
2015-11-18 6:51 am
I agree with my boyfriend David.
2015-11-18 2:58 pm
Hang out on Yahoo and make it up as you go. Soon you will be so expert you give the same answer to every question and you can call others philostigators and yourself nameless-er, I mean a shameless "expert".

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