has anyone gotten pregnant while being inconsistent with birth control?

2015-11-18 4:46 am

回答 (1)

2015-11-18 7:12 am
Inconsistent: something varied or irregular, such as if one is inconsistent with flossing their teeth; they may do it every day for a week and then not again for a couple weeks, or maybe they do it for a couple days and then forget for a few days.

Consistent: Unchanging, steady behavior. If someone flosses their teeth consistently then they probably do so every day at the same time of day, rarley ever missing a day.

If someone takes their birth control inconsistently, they are at risk for pregnancy. If someone takes it consistently and as directed by their doctor or label, then their chance if pregnancy is greatly reduced, often to less than 1%.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 21:17:04
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