Why isn't Saydi Arabia taking any refugees?

2015-11-18 3:15 am

回答 (10)

2015-11-18 3:28 am
Not only that, they are the source of all these troubles with their Wahhabism.
2015-11-18 10:30 pm
They dont want to. It is not their thing. They dont pay benefits like Europe does.
2015-11-18 4:52 am
They have been. There are about 500,000 Syrian refugees in Saudia Arabia. But the UN doesn't count them as the Saudis don't call them refugees and give them visitor visas. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/anhvinh-doanvo/europes-crisis-refugees_b_8175924.html
2015-11-18 3:20 am
Because suadi cut hands off. France, Germany hand out free ****. Just like the usa does. Handouts to minority scum and welfare leech class. They all need to go. Purged from nations. Isis rolled over and eradicated from the earth and their religion burned from the earth.

Isis wants every nation to fight them. Let's do it. If isis dies their religion dies with them. Their god will not return
2015-11-18 3:18 am
Arabia is not a Saeed.
2015-11-18 3:36 am
Probably because they don't want any terror attacks
2015-11-18 3:22 am
bc they dont have room with all those terrorists
2015-11-18 3:21 am
Muslim logic
2015-11-18 3:20 am
They are not as dumb as they look

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