Sex question!!!?

2015-11-17 8:48 pm
The idea of sex upsets me, it seems so cheap and shallow in society. People seem to care about peoples looks more than anything else. It makes me feel like nothing, and im not unattractive people have called me pretty. i don't like that some relationships our based on sex and that sex is done out of lust and not love, i makes me sad and i think its degrading. Im 19 and a girl, also a virgin.People talk about it alot but i don't see the fuss, it actually makes me feel uncomfortable. Why do i feel like this??

回答 (6)

2015-11-17 9:09 pm
Sex is a connection.
2015-11-17 9:08 pm
its normal in all honesty i kinda feel they same way, saying i love you used to be something deep that had meaning now its used by little children that hardly know what sex is, and having sex used to be the deepest form of affection between lovers now people do it simply because they like the feeling, the reason we feel like this is because we value these words and actions more than others and seeing others doing the complete opposite burns a fire inside us, i hope this helped you its my first day on yahoo
2015-11-17 9:05 pm
Your right but I also think that a relationship is based off what you make it as well,there are people who are smart enough to know sex is not everything but it's about the heart and who the person is.It is human nature to see appearance first before anything so really you can't blame anyone for bring attracted to someone's looks but you should know that it's not all about beauty cause eventually it fades.Don't stress about what the world is doing just be yourself and enjoy being young lol
2015-11-17 9:01 pm
Because you are sticking with your virgin boundaries and you want to wait to have sex with someone special when you're married not someone who just wants you for the sex and then will run away from you. Sex is supposed to be special not like oh yay another person to have sex with ok on to the next one. That is bad because then STDs come along and such and you want someone who is a virgin as well
2015-11-17 8:53 pm
I think because you have not met someone you connect with
maybe you have low hormone levels
2015-11-17 9:08 pm
Either you're a prude, or it just won't matter to you when it comes to sex.

A lot of people care about it, but a lot of people also don't.

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