Prove the statement: For all real numbers x and y, |x|.|y| = |xy|?

2015-11-17 7:35 pm
There are four cases: Either x and y are both positive, or x is positive and y is negative, or x is negative and y is positive, or both x and y are negative.

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2015-11-17 7:41 pm
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Actually, I'd also consider the cases where x=0 or y=0, so we'd also want to show the cases like: |0|*|y| = |0*y|

In any case, let's worry about the four cases:
x and y are positive:
|+| * |+| =? |+ * +|
+ * + = +

x is positive and y is negative:
|+| * |-| =? |+ * -|
+ * + =? |-|
+ * + = +

x is negative and y is positive.
Same as above but just reversed for x and y:

x and y are both negative:
|-| * |-| =? |- * -|
+ * + = |+|
+ * + = +

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