
2015-11-17 2:23 pm

回答 (1)

2015-11-17 2:38 pm
object=odject (spelling)=material thing that which feeling or action is directed (=direct object),the end or the aim;hence the Word dependent on Verb Or preposition in this object lesson illustration with 4 concrete illustrations as below:-

objective adj, =external to the mind; impartial,----noun, the thing or place aimed at your homework by lazy polar bear.
eg:-My object is to go to "Disneyland Resort"-----object
eg:-My objective is to go to the "Ocean Park"-----object
eg:-I am aiming at two places-----object.
eg:-I am shopping two things; The Lazy Polar-bear and Kung-Fu Panda.---objects.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 20:09:45
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