Are you for or against abortion, and why.?

2015-11-17 4:02 am

回答 (10)

2015-11-17 4:13 am
Against it. It is murder of an innocent. It is the willful taking of life that is forbidden by God. If woman does this she makes herself a god in choosing over the Lord and breaks the first and the fifth commandments and has committed grave sins.
2015-11-17 4:06 am
Against, because it is murdering a life. Period
2015-11-17 4:18 am
I am against it because as a Christian, I have come to realize that you are taking the life of an innocent child away from them. The child hasn't even been born yet and they are having their life deprived from them.
2015-11-17 4:15 am
Against but the only way I would understand some one getting one would be if the mother or kids life was in danger
2015-11-17 4:06 am
Nobody is "for" abortion.
I am for the right of a woman to choose what to do with her own body.
I am for the right of a woman and her doctor to determine what she will do when she is pregnant, not politicians who are mostly men.
I am against women inducing abortion because the government forbids it.
I am against women being forced into being incubators
I am against women driven back to back alleys and criminal doctors "caring" for her, with no recourse.
2015-11-17 4:28 am
Because it is a legal medical procedure
2015-11-17 4:10 am
Prochoice. I think that people should have the right to choose what happens with their bodies no matter what. Would it be fair to take away somebody's choice when it comes to their own body because somebody else needs to use it? No!
Think of it this way: If a man were to be dying, and I were the only person that could donate my kidney to him. Only me, and then he would be alive, but I have to give him one of my kidneys. Under no circumstance would I be forced by law to give it to him. Why should I have to give up my own body for somebody else?
Also, this is often overlooked in people's arguments for prolife: Pregnancy sucks! A lot of prolifers like to make the argument "just give the baby up for adoption!" but they act as though pregnancy is a walk in the park. Yes, for somebody who wants that child, pregnancy can be a wonderful thing, but for somebody that doesn't want to be pregnant in the first place, that would be horrifying.
Abortions have been going on all throughout history. Remember when people used to use clothes hangers? I would rather have safe abortions than go back to then.
2015-11-17 4:05 am
Only a fanatic or extremist is "for abortion." "Pro-choice" means supporting legal access to abortion in some cases, because the alternatives are arguably worse. I align myself more on the pro-life side than the pro-choice side, but I do not think that abortion should be completely illegal. Some early term pregnancy terminations can be justified based on the risks posed to the physiological and psychological health of the mother and the likelihood of severe birth defects or other disorders that would make the child's life miserable. But late in the pregnancy, when the fetus is more developed, not a microscopic collection of cells, then abortion should be banned. That's my opinion.
2015-11-17 4:37 am
I'm against abortion unless it's necessary to save the life of the mother. I oppose it because I believe, and all the evidence shows, that it's the taking of an innocent human life. If the fetus were really "just a growth," as some people claim, then there would be nothing wrong with abortion.

As a secondary reason for opposing abortion, I've heard too many stories of women who didn't want to abort, but were pressured to do so by boyfriends, husbands, or parents. So much for "choice".
2015-11-17 4:04 am
I am neutral on the topic.

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