How do men in their 30s show romantic interest?

2015-11-16 7:52 am
I'm 23 and am smitten with a 35 year old. It's a new feeling for me because I'm used to liking guys my age, but I'm really attracted to this single, mature, hilarious, kind, and happy person.

- We can talk for long periods of time, and have a lot in common, especially music
- We laugh together and joke around
- He compliments me
- He watches out for me, asks me how I feel and sympathizes
- We follow each other on a blog, and he likes a lot of my posts and thanks me for liking his
- When something major happens in my life, he wants to hear about it
- He teases me
- He told me he told his mom about me (they're close but he doesn't live with her)

Any thoughts? I have a gut feeling he likes me but again, it's hard to tell. Even though I feel we connect well and are on the same level emotionally, spiritually.

回答 (4)

2015-11-16 7:54 am
the same as men of any age we ask you out ---- if nothing else we talk to you as long and as often as possible
2015-11-16 8:21 am
Don't be a homewrecker...he's likely only fun to be with cuz he's bored of his wife. You don't want to be in the same position as his wife someday too, no???
2015-11-16 8:07 am
I (a guy) was in a similar situation. I figured she thought I was too old and didn't think of me like that. Took her getting drunk, and kissing me, to finally get her to confess she wanted more…it was a good time :)
2015-11-16 7:56 am
They don't. By that age they're either taken or hopeless.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:10:52
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