What do I need for my job interview?

2015-11-16 1:27 am
So I'm a 17 year old guy and this will be my first interview. Do I need a resume or a working permit or anything like that? Should I bring it to the interview? Target called me yesterday and asked for me to come in for an interview on Monday so this is pretty urgent.

回答 (4)

2015-11-16 3:39 am
If in USA, u need neither.
U need to dress properly, smile, think b4 answering, try to maintain some eye contact
2015-11-16 1:30 am
Dress your best and bring a resume and a pen and a driver's license
2015-11-16 1:28 am
Just bring a resume and dress nicely and be confident.
2015-11-16 1:32 am
So a year guy this my interview. I a or working or like? I it the? Called yesterday asked me in an on so is urget.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:19:39
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