If you were Queen Elizabeth II,would make the family due only one event a year and pay attention to their lifestyle?

2015-11-15 2:30 pm

回答 (9)

2015-11-15 5:16 pm
Poor grammar makes questions incomprehensible.
The numbers of official working royals are limited. It is their ROLE to carry out specific duties in order to support the monarch.

Family members who do not work for the monarchy have jobs.
2015-11-15 2:35 pm
What are you rabbiting on about.
2015-11-15 2:57 pm
I don't understand your question either.
2015-11-15 3:38 pm
Incomprehensible rubbish as usual.
2015-11-16 8:40 am
Yes and No. Depending what the hell your talking about.
2015-11-16 8:31 am
English clearly isn't your first language!! Due or do. And even that isn't good English in the context of this question. Apart from that, my answer is no.
2015-11-17 8:22 am
The royal family is a bunch of spongers and are inbred Germans with low-intelligence.
2015-11-15 4:56 pm
yes, you've got a point, but I wouldn't let them out at all, it would save the country loads of cash, and we wouldn't have to worry about them, in the present situation with all them terrorists, you wouldn't expose your main asset to danger. letting them out once a year would be a better idea, you could invite the press, and they could have a lovely time, with a picnic, and maybe some bike riding. excellent idea.
2015-11-17 2:39 am
they need to put on show for the people. thats the peoples favorite soap opera. if they stopped they would be completely useless.

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