If you were Queen Elizabeth ii,would you make Charles divioce Camilla ?In order to save his title?

2015-11-15 2:27 pm

回答 (13)

2015-11-15 4:58 pm
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yes, in order to save his sanity. his reputation has long gone.
2015-11-15 2:35 pm
Queen Elizabeth II cannot "make" Charles do anything. As monarch, she has to approve the marriage of the heir to the throne, and she approved both of Prince Charles' marriages. If Charles had married without his mother's approval, the marriage would not have been valid in English Law (although it might have been in Scotland - that could have proved interesting).

Prince Charles is heir apparent to the throne and will automatically become King when his mother dies or abdicates, whether he is married to Camilla or not. His present titles are Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall and Duke of Rothsay and none of these are compromised by his present marriage. Where we go into uncharted waters is that on becoming King, he will be Supreme Ruler of the Church of England, while married to a divorced woman whose previous husband is still alive. However, the Church of England tends to be quite accommodating.
2015-11-15 2:31 pm
Why would he divorce Camilla they clearly love each other. Perhaps you could explain how this would save his title.
2015-11-15 5:13 pm
Of course not. And, save his title? What do you even mean by that?
2015-11-15 2:27 pm
2015-11-15 5:17 pm
No.The marriage is doing well. The couple are well suited. The Queen gave Charles permission to marry and the marriage was blessed by the Anglican Church. Charles' title is not endangered. Charles would not have married Camilla of it meant being taken out of line of succession. They would have remained partners.
2015-11-15 3:05 pm
Charles and Camilla will cause the hastening of the end of monarchy. The Queen is rightly worried. She will try her best to outlive them.
2015-11-15 8:31 pm
What rubbish!
2015-11-16 9:27 am
Such nonsense. It was the Queen who WANTED them to get married.
2015-11-15 9:16 pm
Do you know what the hell you are talking about? I'm buggered it I do.
2015-11-15 3:37 pm
Divioce ? What's that ?
2015-11-17 6:35 am
No. they are obviously very happy together, and anyway it is most unlikely that they would get divorced to please me. if I could not stop them getting married (assuming i wanted to) how could i make them divorce?
2015-11-16 7:37 am
Nobody can "make" anyone divorce anyone, even Queen Elizabeth.

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