why is there a war in Syria ?

2015-11-15 12:24 pm

回答 (8)

2015-11-15 12:33 pm
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Isis a terrorist group was formed in Iraq where the American army was. They knew that isis was forming and they didn't do anything to stop them.

Because Bashar Al Assad is a rational secularist who believes that Syria should be a modern country of tolerance and religious freedom, controlled by the Syrian people.

Isis grew and spread to Syria.

Western governments do not want a stable Syria (or Middle East in general). They seek to create a power vacuum and chaos that will give them a pretext to invade and install a puppet government. The West has supplied arms and money to the FSA and radical Islamist groups for this purpose.

They have an issue with Bashar Al Assad, they want him out.
2015-11-15 1:09 pm
Arab Spring across the middle eastern nations, a revolutionary wave of protest and riots that overthrew most of the governments with the exception of Syria.

Bashar Al Assad of Syria refused to step down against the civil uprisings, he sent the army to restore order but ended in a full scale Civil war.

The civil war was mainly fought between Assad's regime and the Opposition.

Iraq happened to be partially-occupied by the newly-formed ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). The ISIL saw Syria as an expansion opportunity, so they invaded and attacked both Assad's regime and the Opposition.

Then you have the Kurds from the north that launched an attack against all islamist groups. They occupies a few territories from the north of Syria and Iraq. (i have heard that long ago in history, the kurds lands were occupied, and they seem to want it back)

The Syrian Civil War is just chaotic. 4 factions fighting against each other (ISIL, Assad's Regime, Opposition and the Kurds).
2015-11-15 12:28 pm
Please don't ask (why) watch the news.

It's because of the Failed Arab spring and now Islamic State.
2015-11-15 12:25 pm
Yes. ISIS wants everyone to be Islam
2015-11-15 12:27 pm
Because of dirty ISIS , Hopefully Putin obliterates them with his air strikes
2015-11-15 4:33 pm
Western power structure create all terrorist group like Al Qaeda, Taliban and now Takfiries and Isis and they make lots of films and advertisment against Islam because they want to increase Islamophobia. Islamophobia (or anti-Muslim sentiment) is a term for prejudice against,hatred towards, or fear of the religion of Islam or Muslims.The term entered into common English usage in 1997 with the publication of a report by the Runnymede Trust condemning negative emotions such as fear, hatred, and dread directed at Islam or Muslims. While the term is now widely used, both the term itself and the underlying concept have been criticized.The causes and characteristics of Islamophobia are still debated.Some scholars have defined it as a type of racism. Some commentators have posited an increase in Islamophobia resulting from the September 11 attacks, while others have associated it with the increased presence of Muslims in secular nations
2015-11-15 12:34 pm
If you do some research, you'll find the whole of the Arab world, pretty much, is fighting about something. Mainly around religion which as ever, has a lot to answer for.
2015-11-15 12:31 pm
so much in politics is about hindsight eh

likely what should have happened years ago is the west should have been having discussions with Russia (Syria being in Russias sphere of influence) about reform in Syria with a view to shoring up the country politically

a bit of reform during the last decade or so could have seen this avoided entirely


Assad has two enemies, if not three

moderate rebels, separatist rebels, ISIS

all four groups want separate things

its a mess

whats further complicated things now is that Russia isnt just attacking ISIS but Assads other enemies aswell

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