Wedding season!?!?

2015-11-15 7:25 am
So you always hear about wedding season. Well when is wedding season? And can t weddings be all year around? Just curious always thought about a summer wedding but now thinking about a winter one.. what do you think?

回答 (8)

2015-11-15 1:46 pm
Weddings are year round. "wedding season" it refers to where most people have weddings because the weather is favorable and other factors.

Of course people get married during winter. You might be able to score some discounts too, but beware that a lot of people rather not travel during the winter time, and a lot of people will not have any vacation time leftover after the holidays. Furthermore, most people are broke and travelled-out after the holiday season, and that is why people tend not to attend winter events, as no one has money for expensive registries and hotel stays.
2015-11-15 11:01 am
Wedding season is simply the most popular time, the time most brides and grooms want to get married. In the UK thats the summer months. It means the venues etc charge more because you're in a peak period. That's lead to a lot of people extending the dates they're getting married into the off peak months, to get more for their money. Winter weddings are fine.
2015-11-15 5:32 pm
Wedding season in Michigan is May-Sept. Those are optimal months for the most part weather wise for minimal rain and warmer temperatures.

Oct-April we have very unpredictable weather, it's not uncommon for us to get early or late snow and have miserable weather for a wedding. It's not unheard of for us to have a blizzard on Halloween and Easter.

Prime season = prime pricing
Off season = money $aver
2015-11-15 11:17 am
Wedding season is/was commonly the month of June, it is a good month, neither too hot or cold. It may also depend on when designers have their spring and fall bridal shows.
Found some info:
June and October being most popular
Least were Dec, Jan, March-holidays and cold
% breakdown on another site
Jan 4.7%----Feb 7.0%----March 6.1%----April----7.4%----May 9.8%----June 10.8%----July 9.7%----August 10.2%
September 9.6%----October 9.4%----November 7.4%---December 7.8%
2015-11-18 9:02 am
Jan 1st.A new year with your partner.
2015-11-17 10:46 am
Spring is the traditional time to marry June weddings are very popular. The custom dates back to ye olden tymes, it is thought that that is when people took their once a year bath[people feared water, they thought it would kill them just being in it], and therefore would smell nice in an enclosed wedding space. LOL, that is the reason for flowers at a wedding, it hides the body odor.
2015-11-15 4:56 pm
The wedding season is during spring & summer months (April through September/October ). People do marry all year round....... I did a winter wedding in Upper Michigan.
2015-11-15 2:20 pm
The most popular time for weddings is May-September. You can certainly have a wedding any time you want, but summer is the most popular. Having a winter wedding means you'll have your choice of venues and vendors because they won't be busy.

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