Would you believe that conspiracy theories themselves are a way of keeping people from figuring out the truth?

2015-11-15 2:48 am
I know that this, in itself, can be considered a conspiracy theory, and pushed in the same category as all the rest, though what if this is so on purpose so that people wouldn t tell the truth from fiction? Just think about that, possibly independently and not with government control, and tell me what you think, while you still can.

回答 (7)

2015-11-15 4:17 am
Not really. Most of the people who believe in any given conspiracy theory, believe it because it justifies and rationalizes their own failure or feelings of powerlessness in the world. Example: People are jealous of those who are successful, and they need an excuse for why they're not successful themselves. The Illuminati, like the Masons, or the "New World Order", or any other made-up secret organization are a handy justification for their own failure, so a theory is devised that uses a giant, powerful conspiracy to explain and justify their own lack of power. It's all fairly elementary psychology, and it doesn't require much of anything other than a feeling of powerlessness and a refusal to look at oneself as the reason behind that powerlessness.
2015-11-15 3:30 pm
Conspiracy theories are produced by people who can not think for people who can not think. By definition the sorts of people who are attracted to CT's are unlikely to be able to figure out the truth - it is beyond their capacity.
2015-11-15 3:45 am
Jesus said (paraphrased), "What you whisper in secret, I will shout from the rooftops." Who keeps secrets? Average Joe Blow probably not so much. Government leaders? More likely. Just today the headlines are that George W Bush was briefed 2 months in advance that Bin Laden was planning a BIG hit on continental America and that it would be a coordinated attack on at least 2 fronts. Bush deflected blame after the attack by saying, "Who could imagine Bin Laden flying several planes into skyscrapers?" That was a lie. And that is probably the tip of the iceberg. Buildings (WTC #7) a block from the action do not just "fall down". Unless they have documents that the Whitehorse never wanted revealed.
2015-11-15 3:28 am
Maybe but I think it's more likely that some people believe/create conspiracy theories b/c they are deluded by hate/dislike of their government and they would believe anything against them, not that I blame them. Sometimes people in government do some pretty low things or are just plain incompetent. Some people may make money off promoting conspiracy theories. That's not to say all conspiracy theories are untrue, there are probably some that are true or at least partly true.
2015-11-15 3:01 am
It's a big conspiracy to promote conspiracy theories, and there's a secret sect doing this, and I got to find out who it is.
2015-11-15 2:56 am
conspiracy theories are different from hidden truths.
For instance science+government vs Christianity.
that battle is more hidden like how calculus neglects 1/infinity
and can't explain to say that if first page of Holy Bible is dimensions, then for God, it may well have been 7 days.

but there are conspiracies theories like 9/11 was inside job, or U.F.Os or secret histories of crazy people...
these are different from oil companies hiding dangers(congo oil companies). or governments hiding payments to human traffikers (Australia)
2015-11-15 2:50 am
Conspiracy theories are for small minded attention seeking morons.

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