how many languages do you speak?

2015-11-14 9:08 pm

回答 (38)

2015-11-15 5:00 am
5! Spanish is my first language and I've lived in the United States for most of my life so I also know English (of course). I took 4 years of German in high school m. Also, I took 4 years of French in high school and am still learning it in college. I started Japanese in college too. I'd say I'm pretty fluent in Spanish and English. I'm at least at an intermediate level with French and German and at beginner level with Japanese. I'm hoping to teach myself a bit of Arabic or Italian next!
2015-11-14 9:12 pm
I'm conversational in four: English, Spanish, Hebrew, and Japanese. English is my native language and I'm more competent in Spanish than the other two; however, I do hope to hone my skills and learn more. I'm unfortunately past my prime to learn a language (you really see a decline to do so after your early 20s) but it's always been a hobby of mine so I find it fun nonetheless.
2015-11-15 6:34 pm
3! English is my best language, followed by Malayalam, and then Italian. I don't speak in Italian much, so I have to practice that more. I also know bits and pieces of Hindi and Japanese, which I would like to better myself in. :)
2015-11-14 9:09 pm
2015-11-16 5:21 am
Fluently - Thai and English.
2015-11-16 1:06 am
Tres. Lo tengo Portugues, Español y Ingles. Me gusta Italiano, Criolla y Francés. Debo aprendar aléman.
2015-11-15 8:30 pm
If you are talking about "fluently", then 1.


English (primary language),
Signed Exact English (sign language) -- supervised computer lab* about 25 years ago but forgot quite a bit of it,
American Sign Language (ASL) -- Intermediate level,
Forgot a lot of my Arabic,
Forgot most of my French,
Forgot most of my Latin,
A bit of modern Greek.
參考: *Student lab at National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2015-11-15 5:59 pm
Arabic because my parents are from Lebanon and English because I live in America. I'm also learning Spanish in school.
2015-11-15 3:57 pm
4 Portuguese, French, Spanish and English, and also a tinny tinny bit of Germand
2015-11-14 9:09 pm
2- English and French
2015-11-14 9:09 pm
2, english and chinese. im learning japanese
2015-11-14 9:13 pm
So, you want to see some numbers? 2, 3, 5, 8, 11. Enjoy!
2015-11-16 8:24 pm
Four languages

One at native level, another at an advanced level, another at intermediate level, and another at a moderate level (between intermediate and beginner)
2015-11-16 7:11 pm
3 1/2
2015-11-16 5:57 pm
Arabic my native fluent in English and little french
2015-11-16 5:35 pm
2 Bangla and English
2015-11-16 5:16 pm
3,english,portuguese(cause i lived in brazil 2 years) and spanish
2015-11-16 12:44 pm
Depending on what counts as speaking a language and what doesn't, 4 or 6 or 8
2015-11-16 11:59 am
3 born with-English Hindi Marathi...learning Arabic Tamil & in between Farsi & i can read & write Sindhi & Japanese i learnt in school & can say if recall my notebook...keen on learning more...languages r my passion:)
2015-11-16 10:37 am
5.French (a little bit)
6.Portuguese (not really fluent)
7. German (just can speak)
8.Slovene (just can speak and listen)
8 in total
2015-11-16 8:50 am
3, english korean& french
2015-11-16 7:14 am
1 1/2.
2015-11-16 2:27 am
American English and Profanity. The used to be able to buy a beer and get laid in several languages.............
2015-11-16 1:08 am
Two. English and Spanish.
2015-11-16 12:42 am
English, German, French & Spanish.
2015-11-16 12:06 am
Spanish, English and Sh¡t fluently!
2015-11-15 10:29 pm
2015-11-15 9:22 pm
Only 1 .-. Trying to help myself by learning Japanese and then possibly Chinese or Spanish
2015-11-15 8:10 pm
English and Italian
2015-11-15 7:26 pm
2015-11-15 6:58 pm
6. Fluent in English, Hindi and Urdu, intermediate level Arabic and French, beginner level Japanese.
2015-11-15 6:57 pm
1 fluently, 3 partially
2015-11-15 5:43 pm
Slovene, Croatian, Serbian, English, German, Italian. Learning Russian. So, 7 all together
2015-11-15 2:35 pm
2- native in English, and Russian (but not 100% fluent)
2015-11-15 6:53 am
5. English is my primary language, but i am fluent in French also. I am at a conversational level in Spanish and German. Intermediate Italian.
2015-11-15 12:22 am
2015-11-14 9:25 pm
TWO (English was second, German was first). Lived in Germany for five years and learned English there.
2015-11-14 9:22 pm
Hungarian (mother tongue), English (B2-C1 level), French and Italian (B1-B2 level), Russian (A2 level).

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