How much would this breed cost?

2015-11-14 5:23 pm
A dog that is Siberian husky mixed with pit bull puppy

回答 (17)

2015-11-15 8:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I adopted mine for $100 dollars. Best $100 I EVER spent. He is a great companion. BEWARE Pitskys (Pitbulls/Huskies) need a LOT of exercise. Mine gets about 5 hours a day of non-stop running and playing with other dogs. He goes to a doggy daycare where he's able to socialize under safe conditions and burn a lot of energy. They also have very high metabolisms (at least mine does) and goes through food like no other. Just make sure you're up for the task before adopting a mixed breed such as a Pitsky!
2015-11-14 6:07 pm
The cost of vaccinations is all a mutt is worth.
2015-11-14 6:44 pm
100 it is a mix bred by backyard breeders
2015-11-14 6:34 pm
This isn't a breed, it's a mongrel/mix.

Mutts are cheap, adoption fees vary from facility to facility, area to area.

Plenty of them in shelters call and ask.
2015-11-14 6:21 pm
It shouldn't cost anything, and it's not a breed. It's a mutt.
2015-11-14 7:16 pm
What a terrible mix. Dont encourage people to cross those two breeds. They are absolutely not compatible.
2015-11-14 6:24 pm
Hopefully nobody would be so stupid as to allow this mix to happen.
2015-11-14 5:28 pm
About 50-75 dollars, that is all mutts are worth.
This is not a breed but a mix of and worth nothing
2015-11-14 5:29 pm
It should cost the amount of vetting put into it - there are tons of mixes like this at any shelter. Any pit mix is one of the first dogs to be euthanized at any shelter as there are so very very many of them turned in. Will your homeowner's/renters insurance even cover the liability insurance for this mix? Both are on the banned breed list of most insurance companies so check with them before you even consider it.
2015-11-14 6:51 pm
Not alot due to the puppy being a mix so its not pure. I would say pay no more than £300 but they should be prices around £100-250 depending on the website you get them from. "Pets4homes" is a good website
2015-11-16 3:16 pm
You're an @$$hole, you want to make a killer dog ?
2015-11-16 4:51 am
Since it is a mixed breed, the puppy shouldn't cost you anything.
If they were to ask for money, I wouldn't pay more than $50. That is, if I were to really want that specific puppy.
2015-11-15 6:22 am
FREE to who ever is ignorant enough to buy that mix.
2015-11-14 11:51 pm
Since it is a mutt it should only be sold for what it cost the owner for shots and worming.
2015-11-14 7:52 pm
Whatever its byb can get
2015-11-14 5:26 pm
A mix breed shouldn't cost much as you don't know exactly what you'll expect from this dog and this mix breed wouldn't of been bred for a particular reason. I see the price to be around £300-£500 maybe even cheaper. I have a crossbreed GSD and she costed £300
2015-11-14 5:29 pm
Depends on the breeder. Some are more expensive than others.

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