How bad does getting your ear pierced hurt!?!?

2015-11-13 6:43 pm
Ok so I'm 15 and I never got my ears pierced because when I was younger I didn't like ear rings and I was scared of the pain but I think I would like them now.. I'm just afraid of how bad it'll hurt. (I really hate pain) some ppl says it don't hurt but I also have seen ppl screaming and crying in the malls and then some don't even seem to feel it. So be honest and tell me how bad it hurts? And what the pain is similar to? I can handle shots ok but I just don't know bout the ears lol. Thanks!!

回答 (9)

2015-11-13 10:29 pm
I think the only people screaming and crying are probably babies and small children. It feels like a hard pinch but they pain goes away as soon as the needle goes through. A couple days later your ears might be sore because your body is getting used to a metal object and hole on your ear. But, really it doesn't hurt bad just a sharp pinch and then it's over. You can do it!
2015-11-13 6:58 pm
I was worried about the pain, too, before I got mine done. It was silly and pointless, though.

Pinch the underside of your upper arm, not real hard. It hurts less than that, and for a shorter period of time. It hurts way less than a shot at the doctor's office, and way, way less than a paper cut. Even if you're a big baby about pain, you can handle this easily.
2015-11-13 6:55 pm
Get your ears pierced by a professional with a needle; it will hurt less than at a mall with a gun (and is also sterile, which is a handy plus point), and will also heal better (as the needle is sharp, rather than the blunt piercing forced through your ear)
2015-11-16 7:38 am
Everyone responds to pain differently. I have 11 piercings, including 2 in each ear, plus gauges. It does hurt, you're having a hole punched through your earlobe, but the pain will only be bad for a few minutes at the most, and it'll be sore for a few days to a couple weeks. If you can, go to a tattoo parlor, not Claire's or a mall kiosk or anything like that. Tell your piercing artist that you're nervous, and they can talk you through the process, and talk to you as they do it. If you go to a tattoo parlor, they'll mark the spot, and then they have these little tongs to squeeze the area around it. Honestly, being squeezed with the tongs hurts worse than the needle.

Good luck!
2015-11-15 5:11 pm
It's a good pinch for a second and then it goes away :) It's one of those things where you freak out about it at first, but then it happens and you're like "Why was I even scared?" Lol. It will also be slightly sore for a few days but it's nothing compared to other piercings. And my words of advice, if you do get them pierced, go to a real piercing studio. Don't get it done by a gun because they can't be sterilized. Hope this helped!
2015-11-14 1:19 am
If you go to a jewelry shop and they do it with a gun, you will barely feel it at all. They even do it for babies, sometimes.
2015-11-13 6:55 pm
It hurts when it goes in, but then it doesn't hurt after; you're just REALLY sore. It feels like a stapler gun, to be honest.
2015-11-13 6:52 pm
doesn't hurt. Just a pinch
2015-11-13 6:43 pm
you barely even feel it

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