Should I call her again?

2015-11-13 4:19 pm
I received notice of a nannying gig on Monday from another nanny. Her boss's friend needs someone so I said I'd give the woman a call the following day. Things didn't go as planned since many things unexpectedly came up, but I called her Thursday. Phone rang for two rings and then I left a message. She has not responded. Should I call her again today in case she didn't check her voicemail? Or did I burn my bridges by not calling her on Tuesday? Thanks

回答 (3)

2015-11-13 4:47 pm
No, since you didn't call when you said you would, she has probably made other arrangements.
2015-11-13 4:32 pm
I would say that bridges have been burned. A late call speaks to the priority you gave this possible work assignment and how you will act when on the job.
2015-11-13 4:20 pm
Leave it alone. When you didn't call she found someone else.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:44:17
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