Is Jihadi John really dead?

2015-11-13 1:48 pm

回答 (313)

2015-11-13 6:41 pm
I hope the barsteward is dead because he is dragging my name through the mud I mean come on really! What Jihadi was ever called John? John is a holy name. It is a Hebrew name. No Muslim terrorist was ever called John, ever. Mohammed perhaps. It is very insulting that he has been named John by the lamestream media. They should give him a more appropriate name. Jihadi Mo the terrorist Ho.
2015-11-14 2:22 am
I'm watching the news & they showed 3 unmanned drones in flight. One saw Jihadi John get into a car & one drone fired off a missle & destroyed the car completely. Jihadi John is DEAD. Today 11/13 at 6:32 pm. He is DEAD. Mike
2015-11-14 2:52 am
I think "Jihadi John" is really dead, but it doesn't much matter. He's probably got 12 sons, at least some of whom might likely grow to be just like him. If not his sons people from that part of the world often breed like rabbits. The multi-headed snake comes to mind, and I think Mitt Romney was right to say we can't kill our way out of our problems with middle eastern antagonists - though admittedly, it's a pretty good option we currently have at our disposal.
2015-11-13 2:36 pm
The media doesn't always tell the truth.
If Jihadi John really is dead, then good riddance.
Once the remnants of his corpse are shown to us via the media lens I will be more confident in journalism and leadership.

2015-11-13 2:28 pm
Lucky guy. He died fast when bombed. He should have been tortured.
2015-11-13 8:10 pm
Jihadi John
Mohammed Emwazi was a British Arab man thought to be the person seen in several videos produced by the Islamic extremist group ISIL showing the beheadings of a number of captives in 2014 and 2015. Wikipedia
Born: August 17, 1988, Al Jahra, Kuwait
Died: November 12, 2015
Nationality: British
Parents: Ghaneya Emwazi, Jasem Emwazi
Siblings: Hana Emwazi, Asra Emwazi, Omar Emwazi, Asma Emwazi, Shayma Emwazi
Battles and wars: Syrian civil war, American-led intervention in Syria
2015-11-14 9:53 pm
It doesn't matter if he is or isn't. His death will not effect the groups size or strength. He wasn't a general or commander calling the shots. He was a voice and a face, that can be replaced. The U.S. even released a statement saying his death would serve more as a psychological blow if anything. Losing a Britsh voice, that can speak to the heart of all of England, that's more of a propaganda thing. However their group is probably not very shaken by this, cuz i'm sure a video of anyone cutting off someones head will be just as terrible as it was when John did it. Is he dead? Most likely. Does it change anything? Not really :/
2015-11-13 5:35 pm
2015-11-15 5:47 am
Maybe we will never really know. If he is dead ISIS are not going to publlicise it because it will make the West gloat. If he is not dead they will want to keep the world believing that he is dead in order to bring to an end the search for him. Security authorities think the Paris attacks were planned some time ago since they show a level of sophistication that would have taken time to put together. There is the possibility though, that while the planning may have started some time ago, the timing of the actual attacks was meant to serve as retaliation for the death of Jihadi John.
2015-11-13 4:34 pm
This is a little unclear at this time but it certainly looks more likely than not that he is and this is a legitimate story. If he is not dead, ISIS will swiftly come out with a propaganda video showing him alive and giving a live diatribe. They will most certainly do this because this is a strong symbolic victory against them and they are all about the symbolic nature of actions. Due to the caliber of the strike, there is likely no body to be recovered.
2015-11-13 1:56 pm
doesn't really matter he has achieved what he wanted the west made him a star they made his place in history they sent his name reverberating around the world they did perhaps more than even he dreamed of and probably made him a hero there is intelligence for you and the icing on the cake made him a martyr minds of jackasses he should have been left as he was a nobody lying in the desert
2015-11-13 5:07 pm
Without boots on the ground to conduct battle damage assessment, like DNA and photos (think Abu Masab al Zarqawi), the best you can get is signal chatter, and that can be purposely misleading. Nobody posting in this forum will know if there are human intelligence networks with vetted sources in the Raqqa hospital. Let us hope he is at a minimum in grievous pain with permanent debilitating injuries.

UK, you owe us for the cost of the bomb and operational costs of the drone. You are welcome. Send us all the psycho jihadis the London education system can pump out. Nothing brightens my day like UK arabs and pakis evaporating in a red mist.
參考: Islamic Radicalism and Multicultural Politics: The British Experience, by Tahir Abbas
2015-11-13 2:45 pm
We know as much as you, it has been reported that the government is 99% sure.
2015-11-13 2:38 pm
Good FN riddance
2015-11-13 7:21 pm
Yes and it's easy to prove. ISIS do not have modern communications, instead they rely upon mobile phone (cell phones) which are intercepted. They also use Twitter and etc accounts and are being monitored 24/7 by British Intelligence who have a massive listening post on Cyprus - the info is flashed to CIA Langley in seconds.

It's very easy to monitor any mobile phone, dead easy in fact.
Once the location is fixed, the drones can go in and finish the job. Dozens of these evil ISIS Jihadists have already been killed and to make matters even more dangerous for ISIS the SAS are on the ground killing dozens of them almost daily. The SAS race around on quadbikes and open up with heavy machineguns killing all in their way.

Do not be naive British and US Intelligence have been working together hand in glove since WW-One

yes over a century and possibly even before that.
2015-11-13 5:13 pm
The only thing I have heard so far is that a drone strike was aimed at a person suspected to be Jihadi Joe. Nothing more to report at this time.
2015-11-13 2:17 pm
If the news reports are true, than yes, he was killed in a drone strike. He died instantly without any suffering. I would have preferred they sent in counter intelligence officers, directed special op's to his precise location, and captured him alive. Imagine some of the info the CIA interrogators could have received from him.. After getting information he would have been behind prison bars for the rest of his life where this animal belonged.
2015-11-13 7:04 pm
Just off the top of m head, I'd say "Yes".
2015-11-13 5:38 pm
2015-11-14 2:27 pm
I think Jihadi John dead
2015-11-13 3:45 pm
American defence officials have said they are almost certain they have killed the British militant known as Jihadi John in a drone strike.
2015-11-13 2:52 pm
The British intelligence officer who helped in perpetrating a HOAX is most likely in witness protection.
2015-11-14 3:10 am
I think Jihadi John dead
2015-11-13 6:55 pm
2015-11-13 6:24 pm
Yes he is
2015-11-13 6:01 pm
2015-11-13 4:58 pm
There will always be another sadly
2015-11-13 4:44 pm
Problem is, if he is dead he will be called a martyr - if he isnt dead, they may well let us believe that which would allow him to sneak back into Europe and cause more mayhem. Its a great shame he wasnt taken alive and then put through a court case and shown to be the bully boy he is.
2015-11-13 3:16 pm
Allegedly he is dead. It is too soon to make any definitive conclusions about his death status. The authorities are jumping on the bandwagon too soon before knowing 110% that he has died.
2015-11-13 1:50 pm
Nobody knows. The only way to be certain is by having his corpse put on public display.
2015-11-14 5:17 am
Jihadi John may be dead
2015-11-13 10:21 pm
Jihadi John may be dead who really knows that true
2015-11-13 2:33 pm
No, because Nicolas fell on top of him before the airstrike hit.
2015-11-13 1:50 pm
Brought to you courtesy of the red, white, and blue
2015-11-13 3:06 pm
This is all fake. John never existed. Remember there are evil people out there that lie
2015-11-16 11:23 am
2015-11-16 6:36 am
I think Jihadi John dead
2015-11-15 12:04 pm
We will never know.
2015-11-15 5:54 am
Until it's officially confirmed- (and I mean with pictures, and not just with bloody words), then in my eyes, it's just hearsay and grape-vine talk, and nothing more. I'd wanna see the bastard's bloody rotting corpse, before I'd believe that bleedin' claptrap, to be honest! Peace and love. Be lucky.
2015-11-15 2:27 am
To be honest it's all rather dressed up. His death hasn't lead to anything major nor had it dealt a severe blow to Isis efforts. In fact it may serve to advance their resolve or attract more militants to gather, seeking glory in their elimination at the hands of the British. This Islamic state can only really be fought with psychology and not through strengths if arms. This and that militant killed will not bring peace to your world. In fact it will ignite further conflict. Whether John is dead or not I don't actually care.
2015-11-15 2:16 am
If he isn't then he deserves to be ... so he can rot in Hell for eternity, for all his cowardly acts.
2015-11-14 11:58 pm

Why worry at all?
Did God really say that you cannot eat from the tree?
Blah Blah. #90210^7

Thanks anyway God
2015-11-14 8:39 pm
Yes he is.
2015-11-14 4:24 pm
Who is that crap?
2015-11-14 2:37 pm
Perhaps :(
2015-11-14 2:37 pm
I hope so. If not, then i'll go shoot him myself!
2015-11-14 8:43 am
Hope so but I refuse to call him Jihadi "John" to satisfy the PC brigade and liberals. I call him Jihadi Mohammad, the correct term!
2015-11-14 6:07 am
who cares, isis is still killing random people in france. "religion of peace"
2015-11-14 2:58 am
Yes. He is dead.
2015-11-13 9:14 pm
I hope so. I also hope the ordnance used had at least some PIG FAT and/or PIG BLOOD on it!
2015-11-13 8:13 pm
I hope they blew his ugly head off. If they find it, they should let his victims families play football with it.
2015-11-13 7:04 pm
Saw on a news app on my phone that there's a 99% chance they got him, so unless he "won the lottery" I would say that in all likelihood he is no longer among the living.
2015-11-13 6:55 pm
He was just trying to get a head but lost his a$$ in the process.
2015-11-13 6:14 pm
I really don't think so
2015-11-13 6:11 pm
He was probably dumped in the same place Osama was dumped out of respect, you know.
2015-11-13 6:05 pm
Hope so, the man did not deserve to live.
2015-11-13 5:17 pm
2015-11-13 5:11 pm
whats the diference? another one will appear inthe same place and take your position.
2015-11-13 4:56 pm
Nobody knows for sure, at this point in time.
2015-11-13 4:45 pm
Do you care?
2015-11-13 4:39 pm
99% chance that he is. and now he wakens in hell because although he believed in a different god, my God--Jehovah created ALL living creatures and even he did not believe in damnation for ones sins and hell for all eternity, he is there already.
2015-11-13 3:25 pm
No the media is full of it
2015-11-14 11:52 pm
Jihadi John may be dead
2015-11-13 5:44 pm
who knows??????? they tell us what they want to tell us.

Remember all the BS they put out about Jessica Lynch......and then she herself wrote a book, calling 98% of it ALL BS?

Well WHO made up and put out the 98% of sheer GABAGE that was spoon fed the American people, and they swallowed without question?

and what the Gov't doesn't spin, the media will.................

ya's like 10K gold...........people think it's gold...........but it's actually mostly JUNK metal......with a shred of gold in it.
2015-11-13 3:47 pm
His family disowned him when they learned who he was. He expressed remorse TO THEM for it but not for his part in psych war fare. It may be that he is dead and has been and the world needed an event but it could be 50 years before we know the whole story. If history teaches us anything, it is that those who live during an event know the least about what is happening. Our grandchildren will have the whole story.
2015-11-13 3:14 pm
I have doubts, but the media said that the body of whoever it was, was evaporated in an explosion, and that we'll never know for sure, if it was him.
2015-11-13 2:38 pm
I haven't heard anything about it so not sure
2015-11-13 6:28 pm
He was truly murdered not to reveal the truth. There's no other option, West is expected to "clean up" as much as possible before all this mess is over. If anybody thinks that he "died" to live - that's not viable at all. "Coalition" would not have him or anybody who was receiving western sweets, at large. They'll all die now, very fast. Thank you Putin!
2015-11-13 1:50 pm
"No one fu(king knows except people who know" G.W Bush
2015-11-13 8:42 pm
that depends. Who is Jihadi John?
2015-11-23 4:04 pm
we can only hope.
2015-11-17 2:45 pm
He is I remember actually reading it from metro time of he did die. Though I didn't remember till now thinking after in my law class it got me to recall that I did and we talk about that he passed two years ago and watching the film that featured him.
2015-11-17 11:19 am
Dear People of the word,
People of the world.....
Do you know the truth about..... Islam?
Or do you think it's about
Bombing planes and killing innocent people.....?
Forget about the lies.....
I' am here to tell you how it really is.....
You deserve to know the truth
About this beautiful way of life.....
People of the world
Islam is all about peace
Terrorism it doesn't teach
Its all about love and family and charity
And praying to one God
This is Islam
It's something you should know.....
I know it's really helped me grow
It does away with greed, filth, arrogance
And teaches us morality
A perfect way to live.....
So don't believe all you see and hear
Too many people wear a title of a Muslim.....
But they don't practice Islam.....
People of the world
Islam is all about peace
Terrorism it doesn't teach
Its all about love and family and charity
And praying to one God
This is Islam
And it teaches us the creator's made this life for us a test.....
And if we follow truth and do good deeds, He'll reward us in the Next.....
If we remember God & teach each other the truth and patience in His way
Together we can peace.....
This is Islam
Please Google Islamic research foundation and visit the FAQ section for answers to questions you may have about Islam.
I am sure that you will find that Islam is a religion of peace, tolerance, justice, kindness, charity, love and worshiping one God.
Best regards.
2015-11-17 9:57 am
Jihadi John may be dead
2015-11-17 6:40 am
I think so
2015-11-17 4:07 am
I didn't know that he was alive.
2015-11-17 3:55 am
Yes I think that evil man is dead let's hope
2015-11-17 2:04 am
You should rather ask if "Jihadi John" was ever anything more than a CIA creation. Yes, the idea of a "Jihadi John" is dead, the manipulation of public opinion has gone a new direction. You can believe he is nothing but "vapor" now if you want, but consider if he ever was more than vapor intended as your drug of fear.
2015-11-17 1:37 am
Been dead yes
2015-11-16 8:53 pm
2015-11-16 8:48 pm
Habeus corpus? It was the same with Osama Bin Laden
2015-11-16 5:46 pm
NO; He's hiding-out in Houston ! Saw him the other night, at BINGO !
2015-11-16 3:59 pm
Was he ever really alive?
2015-11-16 3:44 pm
they are still looking for proof
2015-11-16 2:40 pm
Jihadi John?
He has a gone!
2015-11-16 10:51 am
Is Jihadi John really dead?

Do we care?
2015-11-16 9:31 am
maybe not.. just like on homeland season 3
2015-11-16 9:22 am
may be :P
2015-11-16 9:14 am
I killed jihadi john
2015-11-16 2:29 am
2015-11-15 10:38 pm
If he isn't already (he most likely is) he will be soon.
2015-11-15 9:25 pm
Probably not but it would explain the attacks in paris.
2015-11-15 8:34 pm
I think he could be dead?
2015-11-15 8:05 pm
2015-11-15 7:43 pm
God knows the truth behind that
2015-11-15 7:41 pm
Is Adolf Hitler really dead? That is the important question.
2015-11-15 7:35 pm
2015-11-15 7:08 pm
We can only HOPE he REALLY IS !!!
2015-11-15 6:33 pm
Most likely?
2015-11-15 6:18 pm
Does he smell?
2015-11-15 6:13 pm
i think hes alive man serious
2015-11-15 5:47 pm
2015-11-15 5:24 pm
I wouldnt believe anything unless theres solid evidence, i doubt we will ever see a body if it is true because its been blown to pieces but let just hope it is
2015-11-15 4:53 pm
Who knows reality?
2015-11-15 3:48 pm
Well we hope so
2015-11-15 2:57 pm
Yes i think so.
2015-11-15 2:42 pm
Probably yes, but what does it change? There a thousands "Johns" out there to make even worst things of what he did. The world is fuc.ked up
2015-11-15 2:00 pm
Who's he?
2015-11-15 2:00 pm
nope it's not official
2015-11-15 1:45 pm
2015-11-15 1:24 pm
2015-11-15 11:54 am
The likelihood is that he is dead, but we have no definitive confirmation of that.
2015-11-15 11:31 am
no one knows, they could lie and emwazi can be under a new name without no 1 knowing, isis lies most times
2015-11-15 10:39 am
2015-11-15 9:32 am
If he served his purpose by his western supporters, he might be.
2015-11-15 8:12 am
If HE dead good he a sick anmail
2015-11-15 6:42 am
Who gave him the name.... and who really cares.. its a war. And no one should be happy about any deaths on either side. War in the name of religion has gone on for hundreds of years and unfortunately will probably never stop.
2015-11-15 5:50 am
2015-11-15 5:39 am
no he was sleeping in my bed last night
2015-11-15 4:02 am
2015-11-15 3:09 am
It's a conspiracy
2015-11-15 3:02 am
2015-11-15 2:20 am
Probably not , But I think he is dead
2015-11-15 1:58 am
Was he your friend?
2015-11-15 1:38 am
So they say, but is he really? Where is the proof? Where are the death photos of him?
2015-11-15 1:17 am
2015-11-15 1:07 am
Mohammed was a false prophet.
2015-11-15 1:05 am
I wouldn't count on it. The news lie about everything nowadays. Mostly to calm us, but that isn't working.
2015-11-15 12:49 am
I f***** hope so.
2015-11-15 12:42 am
I think so..
2015-11-15 12:05 am
2015-11-14 11:33 pm
Does it matter?
2015-11-14 11:28 pm
There is a very high chance he is, US drones stalled him for the whole day and fired on the same vehicle, i hope the ******* scum burns in hell
2015-11-14 11:07 pm
no, he is alive and well... in your backyard... watching you and waiting... MUAHAHAHAHAHA! wait, that might just be that creppy guy from work.
2015-11-14 10:54 pm
It is possible
2015-11-14 10:44 pm
2015-11-14 10:44 pm
2015-11-14 10:19 pm
2015-11-14 10:18 pm
Not really, there's always another moron that will want the spotlight.
2015-11-14 10:12 pm
May be
2015-11-14 10:05 pm
Yes, he is dead.
2015-11-14 9:56 pm
Who cares? It's prolly a publicity stunt?
2015-11-14 9:56 pm
Accordint to the press, hwe was vapourised by a drone.
2015-11-14 9:56 pm
If he were dead, wouldn't Imam Obama order flags to be flown at half-mast?
2015-11-14 9:44 pm
2015-11-14 9:35 pm
2015-11-14 9:27 pm
That's the rumors but nothing has been confirmed
2015-11-14 9:27 pm
2015-11-14 9:17 pm
I don't know
2015-11-14 8:57 pm
Have u any confusion?
2015-11-14 8:27 pm
Yes, they said he is with great certainty.
2015-11-14 8:24 pm
2015-11-14 8:22 pm
Nobody knows for sure yet
2015-11-14 8:11 pm
Yes The Rotten **** Is Dead & Burning In Hell!
2015-11-14 8:04 pm
2015-11-14 7:56 pm
No Muslim terrorist was ever called John, ever. Mohammed perhaps. It is very insulting that he has been named John by the lamestream media. They should look into it.
2015-11-14 7:54 pm
2015-11-14 7:46 pm
2015-11-14 7:17 pm
2015-11-14 7:06 pm
Nobody knows for sure.
2015-11-14 6:43 pm
2015-11-14 6:33 pm
well I hope he is, the dirty rotten scumbag!!!! And I hope he went to hell
2015-11-14 6:31 pm
Its complicated..............
2015-11-14 6:23 pm
2015-11-14 6:02 pm
Well we would all hope so
2015-11-14 5:59 pm
2015-11-14 5:58 pm
2015-11-14 5:57 pm
He's sad and depressed
2015-11-14 5:23 pm
2015-11-14 5:22 pm
Let's hope so.
2015-11-14 5:19 pm
2015-11-14 5:18 pm
no one knows!
2015-11-14 4:55 pm
He is probably in London and living in a Council Flat. I would not be surprised if he was on already Benefits too.
參考: JG
2015-11-14 4:43 pm
I hope so I mean if he's not he needs to be assassinated ASAP
2015-11-14 4:43 pm
I heard and the news doesn't lie
2015-11-14 4:13 pm
I think so
2015-11-14 3:54 pm
2015-11-14 3:40 pm
He killed and was killed maybe but there are plenty more to take his place.
what cameron thought would be a boost for him has turned into a damp squib and not the news story he was hoping for.
we need to find a way to shoot down these drones because they spy on us and one day will be used against us if we ever rise up.
2015-11-14 3:17 pm
Y does noone want to politely and unthreateningly ask these clearly tortured terrorist souls some polite questiions, like 'You poor man. What ever drove you to commit this horrenous atrocity
2015-11-14 3:01 pm
If it was on 12th nov he died, that was my birthday. :D
2015-11-14 2:45 pm
2015-11-14 2:44 pm
He is about as dead as OBL. If you believe the Obama people.
2015-11-14 2:43 pm
2015-11-14 2:38 pm
That s awesome!
2015-11-14 2:19 pm
Do you mean Barak or the other (less known) one ?
2015-11-14 2:16 pm
who knows
2015-11-14 2:09 pm
Yes...or is he?
2015-11-14 2:04 pm
God willing
2015-11-14 1:44 pm
2015-11-14 1:16 pm
no its another pack of American lies
2015-11-14 1:08 pm
Like Hitler there is no proof .
2015-11-14 12:43 pm
Yes he is dead. That is why all of the terrorist attacks happened
2015-11-14 12:18 pm
Maybe he is dead
2015-11-14 12:10 pm
I have heard about the drone strike attack so maybe but I am not sure.
2015-11-14 11:56 am
2015-11-14 11:31 am
2015-11-14 11:07 am
From what I understand, Jihadi John is "assumed" or "claimed to be" dead in the attacks but so far there has been no concrete proof.
2015-11-14 11:06 am
Yes, He is dead.
2015-11-14 10:48 am
Nobody knows for sure yet
2015-11-14 9:29 am
may be
2015-11-14 9:10 am
I don't think so...
2015-11-14 9:09 am
Does he answer his phone anymore or does it reply saying "This cellphone cannot be contacted right now, please try again later".
2015-11-14 9:04 am
he's now the walking dead
2015-11-14 8:57 am
2015-11-14 8:38 am
We are unlikely to get absolute proof because of the situation. Evidence will have been removed fairly quickly.

We ca but hope -
2015-11-14 8:29 am
May B
2015-11-14 8:12 am
I sure as hell hope so
2015-11-14 8:02 am
They believe he is. But for all intent he is. He can never go home. Hes dead to all who knew him. "Allah Akbar", God is truly good. Kill all of the ISIS scum. All the Al Qaeda. Kill their children. Wipe then from the earth.
2015-11-14 7:24 am
I personally think the drone strike was wrong, he should have stood trial and spend the rest of his life in a jail, that's worse than death and he would have deserved it.
2015-11-14 7:10 am
i haven't heard anything about him so i believe he probably dead by the US air bom by now.
2015-11-14 7:00 am
He is dead forever
2015-11-14 6:48 am
Does it matter? The only difference between this guy and the other fundamentalist muslims is that he spoke louder.
2015-11-14 6:36 am
Yes he is dead.
2015-11-14 6:31 am
The jury is still out on that query !
2015-11-14 6:29 am
You really should not believe anything the media says.
2015-11-14 6:09 am
Don't you believe it! Nah!
2015-11-14 5:46 am
2015-11-14 5:36 am
I hope JJ got his dick blowed off so that dickless bastard will just have to watch the 72 virgins.......
2015-11-14 5:14 am
I believe so
2015-11-14 4:42 am
He might be dead!
2015-11-14 4:39 am
I think so Imma check in a minute
2015-11-14 4:36 am
2015-11-14 4:31 am
He better be or I'm gonna kill that filth myself!
2015-11-14 4:24 am
I think he is really dead
2015-11-14 4:23 am
2015-11-14 4:20 am
Who knows
2015-11-14 4:17 am
2015-11-14 4:08 am
We hope so.
2015-11-14 4:04 am
Hey guys come answer my question
2015-11-14 3:50 am
Doubt it
2015-11-14 3:48 am
2015-11-14 3:45 am
2015-11-14 3:43 am
who is Jihadi John ?
2015-11-14 3:43 am
There not sure....But keep you ear to Fox news you will hear it there first.
2015-11-14 3:10 am
He and all his friends must die!
2015-11-14 3:01 am
Yes I think so. Good riddance
2015-11-14 2:52 am
2015-11-14 2:35 am
2015-11-14 2:26 am
are aliens real?
2015-11-14 2:17 am
who knows?
2015-11-14 2:05 am
Hope so
2015-11-14 1:47 am
Probably nosy knows western governments have lied before.
2015-11-14 1:39 am
2015-11-14 1:27 am
Hope so.

Time to find the next one. Get that drone back up there, guys. and thanks.
2015-11-14 1:00 am
i don't think so
2015-11-14 12:53 am
2015-11-14 12:41 am
All I can say is I Hope So and that there will not be 10 more to take his evil place.
Beth at
2015-11-14 12:15 am
2015-11-14 12:00 am
50/50 judging by the ISSIs reaction I assume it to be true.
2015-11-13 11:43 pm
Idk , you should check and see If he's in hell.
參考: Sarcasm
2015-11-13 11:32 pm
He is not even here since he was blown to dust.
2015-11-13 11:16 pm
I ****** hope so
2015-11-13 11:02 pm
hope so
2015-11-13 10:59 pm
Who tf is that? Shouldn't we be worried if Glenn is alive?!
2015-11-13 10:55 pm
I hope not. I be deeply sad if he is.
2015-11-13 10:53 pm
It's not known.
2015-11-13 10:48 pm
Yes he is
2015-11-13 10:45 pm
how the hell is this posted in Celebrities?
2015-11-13 10:37 pm
He could be but no only really knows the answer yet.
2015-11-13 10:04 pm
2015-11-13 9:13 pm
It sure looks like it, but not confirmed as of yet.
2015-11-13 9:13 pm
i heard he turned gay
2015-11-13 9:13 pm
Rest in hell
2015-11-13 9:13 pm
2015-11-13 9:11 pm
I dont know.
2015-11-13 9:04 pm
2015-11-13 9:01 pm
2015-11-13 8:51 pm
If so cut off his head and bury it in a different location. He deserves it.
2015-11-13 8:44 pm
I don't know who that is.
2015-11-13 8:42 pm
I hope so
2015-11-13 8:37 pm
It is not confirmed, but it looks like the airstrike got him. I really can't say RIP, but I hope the 12 virgins are still there for him.
2015-11-13 8:32 pm
The US government has real proof he has been killed in the air strike. So we take there word
2015-11-13 8:26 pm
2015-11-13 8:15 pm
With the multiple news feeds saying he is,I would bet he is.
2015-11-13 8:11 pm
2015-11-13 8:10 pm
Yer he is
2015-11-13 8:03 pm
Its unknown at this point from what I hear.
2015-11-13 7:45 pm
Who's he?
2015-11-13 7:25 pm
2015-11-13 6:24 pm
2015-11-13 6:16 pm
yes he died
2015-11-13 6:02 pm
I think so
2015-11-13 5:53 pm
2015-11-13 5:40 pm
I hope
2015-11-13 4:48 pm
We can only hope so.
2015-11-13 4:47 pm
2015-11-13 4:43 pm
I don't know
maybe or maybe not
2015-11-13 4:43 pm
No clue
2015-11-13 4:19 pm
who knows illlumanti?
2015-11-13 4:12 pm
Your question: "Is Jihadi John really dead?"

I don't think we can know for sure yet, but given the source of the claim that he was killed, we should get clarification soon:

"U.S. forces conducted an airstrike in Raqqa, Syria, on Nov. 12, 2015 targeting Mohamed Emwazi, also known as 'Jihadi John'... Emwazi, a British citizen, participated in the videos showing the murders of U.S. journalists Steven Sotloff and James Foley, U.S. aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig, British aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning, Japanese journalist Kenji Goto, and a number of other hostages... We are assessing the results of tonight's operation and will provide additional information as and where appropriate."
U.S. Department of Defense, 12 October 2015

"British Prime Minister David Cameron spoke at a press conference early Friday, 'We cannot yet be certain if the strike was successful. I've always said we would do whatever it takes to track him down, we've been working with the United States around the clock.' ... After Emwazi was unmasked and identified in media reports in February, he ceased to appear in videos for ISIS."

This is one of those times when one may wonder how we can make the best evaluation of claims from people who are know to deceive for political reasons:

"David Haines was a British hero. The fact that an aid worker was taken, held and brutally murdered at the hands of ISIL sums up what this organisation stands for. They are killing and slaughtering thousands of people, Muslims, Christians, minorities across Iraq and Syria... They claim to do this [i.e., behead David Haines] in the name of Islam. That is nonsense. Islam is a religion of peace. They are not Muslims." – David Cameron, 14 September 2014

Consider what is meant by the statement above:

Rule (1) Muslims cannot do evil.
Rule (2) If some Muslim does evil, see rule (1) above.

Do you believe it? It is impossible.

The underlying paradigm of Islam is dogmatic devotion to the alleged words of Muhammad, the founder of Islam, as reported in the Quran and elsewhere, which is taken by believers to be the infallible and final revelation of some god to Muhammad, who died in 632 AD.

The belief is based solely on Muhammad having said it was so. To be sure that converts were sincere, daily public ritual prayer, five times a day according to some believers, was mandatory. Criticism of Muhammad or his so-called revelations were forbidden by Muhammad himself on pain of death. That rule guides all of Islam since and is enforced wherever fundamentalists can dominate.

The dictates of Muhammad and some stories about his own judgments constitute Sharia law. Muslims who live where Sharia law is enforced live in dire fear of being accused of apostasy or blasphemy against Islam, because those are capital crimes under Sharia law.
• Quran:9:5 "Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war."
• Quran:9:29 "Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender, paying the protective tax in submission."
• Quran:8:39 "Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah."
• Quran:8:39 "So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world)."
• Quran:9:123 "Fight the unbelievers around you, and let them find harshness in you."
• Quran:4:74 "Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward."
• Bukhari:52:54 "I would love to be martyred in Allah’s Cause and then get resurrected and then get martyred, and then get resurrected again and then get martyred and then get resurrected again and then get martyred."

Educate yourself. You will be pleased with the result.
• Where we live:
“Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography” Christopherson, Robert. (Prentice Hall)
• Where we came from:
“Introduction to Physical Anthropology” Jurmain/Kilgore/Trevathan/Ciochon. (Cengage Learning)
• What we have been doing:
“History of the World” Roberts, J.M.; Westad, O.A. (Oxford University Press: 2013)
“A History of the Arab Peoples” (of Islam) Hourani, Albert. (Harvard University Press: 2002)
• Life science:
“Biology” by Raven/Johnson/Losos/Mason/Singer (McGraw-Hill)
2015-11-13 3:54 pm
I would say no
2015-11-13 3:16 pm
We can only hope.
2015-11-14 9:47 pm
Jihadi John may be dead
2015-11-14 6:03 pm
2015-11-14 5:13 pm
Jihadi John may be dead
2015-11-14 4:34 pm
Jihad it coming. The sun's pun today
2015-11-14 2:29 pm
2015-11-14 7:59 am
2015-11-14 5:25 am
2015-11-13 9:45 pm
Never heard of him? If he was one of those terrorists, it means he faked his death and changed his name so he could go for faze B. This will happen again for another troop of that faction. He will infiltrate a capturee, take his identity, and come here to study our patterns which will take several years. He might change his mind and forget what his plans were and settle down here instead if he stays too long.
2015-11-13 9:25 pm
Hardly know who that was, sure didn't make history. Just an unknown wanker.
2015-11-13 7:55 pm
2015-11-13 7:16 pm
Nobody knows if hes dead, but killing will never be the solution...
2015-11-13 6:55 pm
According to the Washington Post, it said "U.S. military 'reasonably certain' drone strike killed 'Jihadi John'"
2015-11-13 5:28 pm
No one knows, but what's it to ya?
2015-11-13 5:04 pm
does not really matter he has achieved what he wanted the west made him a star they made his place in history they sent his name reverberating around the world they did perhaps more than even he dreamed of and probably made him a hero there is intelligence for you and the icing on the cake made him a martyr minds of jackasses he should have been left as he was a nobody lying in the desert
2015-11-13 4:49 pm
2015-11-13 3:23 pm
he never really existed.
2015-11-13 2:55 pm
Who knows, but if he is that will just make him EVEN MORE popular. He got to die a martyrs death rather than be humiliated on TV like his victims
2015-11-15 10:43 am
Who is Jihadi John?
2015-11-13 9:23 pm
that depends. Who is Jihadi John?
2015-11-13 9:21 pm
I hope not, I saw him in a new beheading video, was released last week. It was very interesting.
2015-11-13 2:05 pm
2015-11-13 2:21 pm

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