Was Princess Diana stylish?

2015-11-13 12:38 pm

回答 (13)

2015-11-13 12:42 pm
Anything but when she was Lady Diana, but after the birth of her first baby she lost a bit too much weight and suddenly became a style icon to the point of upstaging her husband. I guess she wasn't that interested in the whole thing when she was a nursery assistant and was happy in jeans and a sweater. She was wealthy, but that doesn't buy you taste.

After the calamity of the wedding dress and the awful engagement suit she got a bit more serious about it all. She took some time to develop her look and made friends with people like Versace, although she had a brief to promote British talent. She eventually shook off the 'Shy Di' tag and the papers couldn't get enough of it.

Some of her best efforts were from favorite designers like Catherine Walker for day and formal wear (the beaded ballgown), and she could do drop-dead-gorgeous in Christina Stambolian. She was not immune from making the odd faux pas looking like something out of Dynasty when dressed by Bruce Oldfield but that did tick the princessy box and was high fashion at the time; some of the things from Victor Edelstein were more successful. After her separation she used more from international designers and was rarely out of the media.
2015-11-13 11:38 pm
most certainly, I would have loved to be able to afford one of her gowns, we are the same size, I would've cheered me up no end.
2015-11-13 3:46 pm
In a SLOANY sort of way. Money buys everything!
2015-11-15 2:38 pm
She was stylish later into her marriage.But then she still chose some ugly pieces like the second time she went to Fashion award in Newyork.That night gown garbage was ugly black lace with blue cheap fabric..But the year before was chic,classy and stylish all navy dress..I love her peach n cream evening dress,Elivs gown ,it was white with pearls....Pale blue blazer with the matching skirt,she wore ,Those were some of her best chioces....
2015-11-13 5:56 pm
Not at first, those coats and mushy hats, but through all the turmoil and I think this one reason behind it, when Charles never left Camilla, he and Diana separated---I think this was way of saying "Are you stupid?"
2015-11-13 5:09 pm
In the early years, no, Diana, Princess of Wales, was finding her style. She became stylish when she started using Catherine Walker as a primary designer. When Diana streamlined her style, wore simple coat dresses and suits, and hats that suited her, she was stylish.
2015-11-16 10:41 am
Yes, she was, check her out after the separation, She wore, a little black dress and HIGH heels, she looked fantastic.
2015-11-15 12:17 am
I believe so.The rest of the royals look like they've spilt out of a second hand clothes store.
2015-11-15 1:05 pm
Certainly quite striking in person. Let's not forget she was the daughter of an Earl so no stranger to that sort of thing when required.
2015-11-13 12:52 pm
I agree, any favourite outfits?

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