GSD well actually a puppy, he's three months old and I can not get him to stop bitting me. I pretend to cry like he's hurting me,?

2015-11-13 7:30 am
I stop and tell him no but doesn't seem to listen also he walks right in front of me all the time. I feel bad Bc sometimes I step on his paws. How do I get him to stop these two things???

回答 (5)

2015-11-13 9:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
He's mouthing and to stop this, prevent it, try not to let him get that geed up. If he does, end the contact immediately. Stand up, say No Biting!, take him outside to empty and back to where he sleeps. If you use a crate, so he doesn't get the idea his crate is for punishment, give him some biscuits to go in there with. It sometimes works to 'yelp' as a sibling being attacked would, but with some dogs it just brings them back for more. Puppies being targetted usually yelp, but also turn away - it's the turning away, ending the contact, that's most important. Dogs hate to be ignored so ignore him!! Consequences for actions, good or bad.

And do get him into some classes now - that should help you learn how to handle him (before it's too late!) and teach him some manners. This is a very intelligent breed and it shouldn't be difficult to train him.

ps If he gets stepped on often enough when he walks in front of you, maybe he might learn!!! Joking.
2015-11-13 7:41 am
Only you can make sure you don't step on his paws by putting him somewhere safe if you're busy. You can do severe damage to soft bones so I suggest you make more of an effort on this.

As for is called 'mouthing' and with some dogs pretending to cry will make them worse. In my opinion it shows a basic nature of a more dominant type of dog that would bully their siblings if they were still with them. You need to find another method.

Personally I teach the LEAVE IT command over and over and then apply that to when they touch your skin. Do remember that the pup is actually trying to interact with you and you need that later on to work with. They just have to be taught how to interact properly.

Start this dog on lots of little obedience exercises to use his mind more.

Tbh...if you have a GSD pup, you should also already have the experience to deal with this problem or you should have got a different breed. This is why we say that some breeds are not best for new owners because you have to be one step AHEAD of some breeds such as a GSD, and at the moment you are not.
2015-11-13 3:01 pm
Don't allow this poor behavior, correct it. Dogs don't come trained, that's your responsibility. Watch where your going at all times and teach it to get out of your way.
2015-11-13 8:56 am
I would try and take him into training at a reputable facility, or have a trainer come to you. He should not be biting you, but for young pups, sometimes it's almost a reflex type behavior. Be gentle with him, never yell or do anything cruel as this could scar him for life. I had (have now 1) GSD mix and they are a handful when they are young!!! They never bit me, but tried to jump on me constantly. My girl is now 13 and she is the best doggie ever!!!! Just google online resources for training and actually take him to training if you have the funds. GSD's are so smart and amazing companions, but they can cause some chaos when young! Take care and best of luck.
2015-11-13 5:41 pm
His mother would "bite" him at the side of his neck.She wouldn't hurt him but just let him know that his behaviour is unacceptable and she would be totally calm but very firm.So,since mothers know best,use your hand as a claw and do the same.Your fingers are the teeth in this instance.Dont push or grab.Just touch her like that,like a zap.
You have to be calm as well and assertive.No use in yelling or getting frustrated as that encourages her.
Good luck 😄

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