What countries continue to call Veterans day "Armistice day"?

2015-11-12 3:46 pm

回答 (7)

2015-11-12 4:02 pm
most of the Commonwealth nations...

...in fact, "Veterans' Day" is an American holiday.... just about every other nation that marks 11/11 for its WW1 significance calls it "Armistice" or "Remembrance" Day
2015-11-12 4:42 pm
Pretty much all of them except the USA.
2015-11-12 4:19 pm
Just about everywhere except USA.
2015-11-12 3:49 pm
We do
2015-11-12 10:54 pm
Veteran's Day is only an American thing. Everyone else used to call it Armistice Day, but the current name is Remembrance Day almost everywhere. Certainly in the Allied countries, like the Commonwealth, and France.
2015-11-12 5:09 pm
Wikipedia has a good article on this.
I was just using it for a report I had to write.
2015-11-12 3:46 pm

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