Why is my crush mean to me?

2015-11-12 12:50 pm
Why is my crush rude to me?
So I have a crush in my English class, I have been very quiet because I am very shy and she is super talkative, I don't have the courage to speak to her , and I sometimes look at her, one time she caught me, and the other time I was late for class, she gives me a dirty look and look away, last time when I walk pass her I hear a sigh, whats wrong with her?
I know it is very weird for me to be quiet but look at her times to times but I told everyone I am shy.
Help please, I started loosing feeling for her , which is good, but anyone explain her behavior? I thought she is a nice girl

回答 (1)

2015-11-12 1:42 pm
To be honest, she may not be interested in having a relationship with you. It's not the end of the world, like you say you are starting to move on which would be the best thing to do. Who knows, someone may have a crush on you without you knowing.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 14:05:49
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