What is your favorite food during Thanksgiving, besides turkey?

2015-11-12 3:55 am

回答 (11)

2015-11-23 4:04 pm
Mac&Cheese, and the stuffing.
2015-11-17 4:55 pm
2015-11-16 12:47 pm
stuffing and cranberry sauce
2015-11-14 11:52 pm
2015-11-14 4:33 pm
Mashed yams with brown sugar and cinnamon . I also like stuffing and i like gravy.
2015-11-14 3:47 am
Homemade stuffing
2015-11-13 11:36 pm
stove top stuffing , thats the best part
2015-11-13 1:45 pm
Both sweet potato casserole with the mini marchmellows
or biscuits and gravy.
2015-11-12 4:19 pm
Pumpkin pie.
2015-11-12 3:52 pm
Hard to choose because for me it's the 'whole package'.

I mean, we'll occasionally have cranberry, or stuffing, we eat sweet potato throughout the year, turkey too, etc-- however, we rarely put the whole dinner together and not worry about the butter content or how many carbs are in it.

Having any of these things separately doesn't do much for me. Put them together with our traditional recipes, and it's Thanksgiving on a plate and takes me to all kinds of warm and fuzzy places in my mind and heart.
2015-11-12 4:36 am
mashed yams and stuffing!!!

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