What does it mean ?

2015-11-12 3:29 am

回答 (3)

2015-11-12 4:03 am
This is a scam website. Nobody gets any money for doing jobs. You do lots of work but you have to earn $300 before you can even try and take any out. So people have been working for several weeks and then when they try and get their money out they can't. It is a scam.
2015-11-12 5:21 am
well its no double rainbow
2015-11-12 3:47 am
This is called a "URL", and when you click it, it takes you to a website. (Naturally, I wouldn't click on an unknown website myself, because it could be full of viruses, spy bots, or even porn! So you can take your own chances and click if you want.)

But again, when you ask "what does it mean", it means it points to a website.

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