Where can I buy a coffee arabica plant? Where can I buy herb plants that have already sprouted besides a corporation like Home Depot?

2015-11-11 1:44 pm

回答 (2)

2015-11-12 8:42 pm
I just searched the web and got thousands of returns on both Arabica Coffee trees and fertile seeds. Run a search and you will get similar results showing where you can order a tree (s).

Keep in mind, you will have to keep it indoors during the winter if you live in an agricultural zone 8 or lower, so you will need a small tree. Also you can roast the coffee beans in a hot air pop corn popper. Just watch them closely so they won't burn.
2015-11-11 2:56 pm
A garden center. One with a greenhouse is more likely to have both of those things. I don't know where you live, but if you google your city and "independent garden center" you'll probably get some hits.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:01:22
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