Is it wrong for an able bodied, but incontinent person, to use handicapped restrooms or stalls?

2015-11-10 10:04 pm
I'm a 30yr old guy. I have pretty bad urinary incontinence. Other than that, I look fit and healthy. I manage with diapers and don't let my issue stop me from living an active lifestyle. This obviously means having to change...and the handicapped facilities offer more space and privacy. On more than one occasion I've been told I'm being rude and selfish when there are others who "obviously" need the space more than me. I don't think I'm wrong here.

回答 (15)

2015-11-11 3:56 am
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You're not. ANYONE can use those stalls. There is no magic rule saying you can't. Just try and be quick because unfortunately, there is usually only one per public bathroom and many people who use that bathroom constantly also have bad urinary incontinence (ie. elderly, wheelchair, serious accident survivor etc.). But I am sure you understand this.

Also, many men's washrooms have a couple urinals and only ONE stall which is a handicap stall....where the hell do these people think men who are not handicapped are going to go #2?

On top of that, I find that a lot of people who complain about people using the handicapped stall are extremely overweight....not disabled necessarily, just can't fit into a regular stall. Most of them can make a change and control their CANNOT control your urinary incontinence and should have priority over them!

If someone says that just tell them you ARE handicapped and that your handicap is NOT visible and that they should be ashamed to assume so! If they don't care about your response, you don't need to care about their opinion. Who are they going to call? The stall police?
2015-11-10 10:37 pm
You are entitled to use the restrooms guilt-free. If you weren't, I would honestly tell you so.

It is illegal to ask someone what their disability is. If someone makes a rude comment, just say something like "some handicaps, you just can't see."

You don't have to justify to anyone. The only thing I would suggest, if there are two people waiting, if you can 'wait,' for the other person, you might want to do that, depending on the level of urgency.

The would apply to any two people waiting for the handicapped stall(s).
2015-11-11 3:21 am
The handicap stalls are NOT specifically for ONLY handicapped people, like the parking spots outside in the parking lot.

The handicap stalls are designed so that handicapped people can use the bathroom comfortably. This does not mean that no one else can use the stalls whenever they want. IF, by chance, a handicapped person came into the restroom while you are in the handicapped stall, they wait, just like the rest of us wait for a stall to be available.

You have done nothing wrong, whatsoever, therefore, please do not second guess yourself.
2015-11-11 1:47 am
If there is a group of people waiting for an empty stall... if there is a handicapped person waiting in the group, the handicapped person gets first use of the handicapped stall -- even if that means going ahead of the others.
Other than that, one can use any stall one wishes... just as a handicapped person can use a NON-handicapped stall if desired.
It would be stupid for a handicapped stall to sit, unused, if there is a group of people waiting and none of them are handicapped.
If you enter the restroom and nobody is waiting, go ahead and use whatever stall you wish. If TWO handicapped people are waiting, whoever was there first may go first.
Finally, if someone -- handicapped or not -- indicates they have an urgent need, one allows the person with an urgent need to go first -- unless your need is equally urgent.
2015-11-10 10:12 pm
I use the handicap stall because I have 2 bad knees and have a really hard time getting up from the low toilet. I need the handrails. I really don't care if people make comments, but YES it is rude for people to ASSUME that you don't have a real need for the handicap stall. Invisible handicaps are hard to live with. People should never assume they know what others have to deal with.
2015-11-11 3:16 am
I don't think you are wrong at all and wouldn't begrudge you the use of the handicapped stall. You have a legitimate reason. Don't let hypercritical people get you down.
2015-11-10 11:39 pm
No it's not wrong. I use the disabled toilets when I'm having an IBS flare up because I'm usually too embarrassed to go where people can hear me. It makes everything more relaxed and relieves a bit of pressure. You shouldn't feel bad. If there's a line of people who are in greater need then let them go first.
2015-11-11 2:05 am
When the handicapped is all that is available, you can use it.
2015-11-10 10:07 pm
your answer, (if any at all), is 'all disabilities are not obvious' .And you could imply that they are not on ly rude, but ignorant as well.
2015-11-14 4:46 pm
As long as there is no handicapped person around....who cares.....
2015-11-13 1:03 am
You can use thd bathroom stall. You have a right.
2015-11-12 11:14 pm
I agree with you, I don't think you're wrong at all. You do have a disability; it's just not visible.
2015-11-12 8:56 pm
Not wrong at all.
2015-11-11 5:51 pm
You *are* handicapped in this context, in that you have a medical condition on account of which you need the space and privacy that the ordinary men's facilities often don't provide, so you have a perfect right to use a handicapped facility. You are one of the people they are provided for. Don't be, or look, ashamed of using one.

If anyone objects, as others have said, tell them that your disability is not visible. Just that.
2015-11-13 4:33 am
I don't see why it would be necessary for you to use a handicapped stall just to change a urinary incontinence diaper. You don't really need all that extra space in the handicapped stall - why not just use a regular stall? (Or, don't they have regular stalls in men's rest rooms)?
You changing an incontinence diaper is really not much different than a woman going into a regular stall and changing her menstrual pad - you're both doing basically the same thing.
2015-11-10 11:54 pm
It is.

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