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You're not. ANYONE can use those stalls. There is no magic rule saying you can't. Just try and be quick because unfortunately, there is usually only one per public bathroom and many people who use that bathroom constantly also have bad urinary incontinence (ie. elderly, wheelchair, serious accident survivor etc.). But I am sure you understand this.
Also, many men's washrooms have a couple urinals and only ONE stall which is a handicap stall....where the hell do these people think men who are not handicapped are going to go #2?
On top of that, I find that a lot of people who complain about people using the handicapped stall are extremely overweight....not disabled necessarily, just can't fit into a regular stall. Most of them can make a change and control their weight...you CANNOT control your urinary incontinence and should have priority over them!
If someone says that just tell them you ARE handicapped and that your handicap is NOT visible and that they should be ashamed to assume so! If they don't care about your response, you don't need to care about their opinion. Who are they going to call? The stall police?