why didnt stupid obama dump stupid biden off the ticket in 2012?

2015-11-10 8:04 pm

回答 (7)

2015-11-10 8:05 pm
You should be so stupid.
2015-11-10 8:06 pm
I know., Obama was so stupid,
if he'd dumped stupid biden off the ticket in 2012,
Mitt Romney wouldn't be President now.
2015-11-10 8:25 pm
Because when he stands next to Biden, Obama looks smart.
2015-11-10 8:15 pm
2015-11-10 8:10 pm
He was well known and knowledgeable about how Washington works. Obama was a novice in D.C. Thats why. I dont see how Biden has done any damage.
2015-11-10 8:06 pm
2015-11-10 8:05 pm

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